A new island, egghead??

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The crew got split up after being attacked by that insanely huge shark.

Jinbei carried Luffy, Chopper and Bonney to an nearby island. Luffy, Chopper and Bonney couldn't swim, so Jinbei rushed to the island's shore.

The other Strawhats were still on the Sunny, or rather, the Sunny was about to be flipped upside down. Until a giant robot came and saved them.

'' A GIANT ROBOT!!'' both Usopp and Franky said with star eyes as they were amazed and relieved that the Sunny didn't face-plant into the ocean.
The giant robot was carrying the Sunny like it was nothing. Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from the giant robot.

"Ah, another failure. I wonder why, perhaps overriding primal desires is simply impossible." The voice coming from the robot's stomach said. The giant blue robot had a title on its chest that read "Vega Force 1."

The giant robot's stomach had a circular door. The door suddenly began to open, and someone emerged from it.

'' SOMEBODY'S COMING OUT?'' said Sanji, who was all drenched up from the attack earlier. He was also shocked at the massive size of the robot. It was carrying the Sunny like it was carrying a baby!!!

'' How utterly vexing,'' said the same voice as it approached more and more.

'' Thanks for saving us. Whoever you are!!'' said Franky, looking a bit puzzled and wondering how anyone could build such a big robot.

'' I ordered the mecha-shark to scout and fire, but it kept trying to eat ships. '' said the voice to themselves. It was like they were cursing themselves

The voice stepped forward from me the giant robot's stomach, and it was a woman. She had orange hair that covered one of her eyes. She was wearing a purple jacket and one headphone on her right side of her ear, and a pink suit under the jacket. The suit had "Punk 02" written on it.

As she noticed them, she suddenly had a devilish grin on her face.

'' Forgive me, but did you just say I saved you? You damn pirates. I work for the government, despite my mediocrity. They like to call me their genius scentist.

'' Dr. Vegapunk!!!"
''WHAT??'' they all said completely shocked and almost having their eyes bulge out.

With Jinbei and the others

''How can you not know who I am? I'm part of The Worst Generation, just like you. We were both on Sabaody 2 years ago." says Bonney after Jinbe saved them from the sea water. And now they are on an island.

''Oh? Your part of it too?'' Luffy says amazed as he takes his shirt off and squeezes it to get all the water out. Unfortunately, he didn't look where he was pouring all the water, and it landed directly on top of Chopper's head, making him drenched. Chopper then violently shook his head to get all the water out of his fur.

''Don't forget we are enemies, and my name is Bonney. Still, thanks for saving my back then.''

''Don't sweat it, Bogey!'' Luffy said, playing around and waving his shirt to dry it.

''Are you seriously an emperor?? And what's your deal with your wanted poster? I thought your hair was white.'' Bonney says, looking rather puzzled at Luffy and hopeless now that she's stuck with him.

'' That's just how I look when I'm completely free." Luffy says, making strange poses with his arms and being as carefree as ever.

'' What's that supposed to mean? Anyway, aren't you worried about the rest of your crew?" Bonney says as she takes her shirt off as well, trying to dry it.

''They'll figure it out!! SHISHISHI'' Luffy says and puts his shirt back on

back with the rest of the crew

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