CHAPTER 2: Restraint

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Both Charlie and Babe were given suppressants to subdue their heat and they're now sound asleep after the commotion earlier.

"I'm sorry, Alan. I was just–

"It's not your fault, Way. And besides, you didn't harm him," Alan reassures Way who is drowning in  guilt after what he had possibly done to Babe.

It was no one's fault, to be exact.

It's neither Babe nor Charlie's pheromones.

It was inevitable.

It was fate.

The scene was so familiar to Alan, now that he's thought about it. It was the exact thing that happened a year ago to him and his soulmate, now partner, Jeff. When Charlie introduced Jeff to the team, it was also Jeff's 21st birthday. And the second they met, both of their hearts started to beat fast that they couldn't almost breath along with the uncontrollable longing for each other's scent and touch.

Fortunately, their case was responded quickly. However, it might be just for the time being but once they wake up, he worries that they might need to face that reality.

"Yeah, thanks to Charlie for practically throwing me to the wall, I became sober again. He's such a cute person. I didn't know he can be that strong and even possessive... He was scary," Way comments.

Alan scoffs at this. "He's an enigma just like you, you shouldn't be surprised. But, yeah, he have such a cute facade that you would think otherwise."

"So... They're soulmates, huh?" Way leans to the cold of the wall. The two of them are sitting, waiting for Babe and Charlie outside their hospital room.

Alan huffs a sigh. "Yeah. What are the odds, right?"

Then, the sound of the door opening was heard. Their heads shifted immediately to where it the sound came from. They were met by an obviously exhausted Charlie.

"Charlie!" Alan exclaimed in relief. Charlie just replied with a weak smile.

"Let me call the doctor," Way informed and excuses himself.

"Hey, you should rest–

"He's my soulmate, right?" Charlie asks looking straight in Alan's eyes.

The latter can't conclude if it was excitement or disappointment painted in the little one's voice. "That's right, he is your soulmate, Charlie."

The enigma nodded. "May I know who he is?"

Alan noticed that there was a hint of genuine curiosity in his question and that made him relieved and then he smiles as he answers, "He's Babe, a close friend of mine."

"Babe..." Charlie whispers while he gaze at the sleeping figure.

"He's the one I always talk about. You know, a fan of the team–

"Oh, the one who has a crush on Way?" Charlie looks back at him and cuts him off.

"Yeah, that too. He's that person," Alan carefully replies.

Not long after, Way and the doctor arrived. Since Babe is still asleep, the doctor explains to Charlie the situation and its seriousness. Charlie, like the sunshine he is, attentively listens and almost immediately accepted the fact that him and Babe are now soulmates. The doctor addedd more significant informations to Charlie and then told him that they need to stay for about a few days still.

"That won't be necessary. I want to discharge the both of us," Charlie stated while staring at Babe.

Alan and Way was surprised by this but they didn't try to oppose Charlie. Even the doctor was taken aback.

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