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Beatrice had PE in her final class of the day. She went swimming and astounded everyone with how fast she was.

The girl took a quick shower, drying off and putting her clothes back on as fast as possible. She then left school, with Randolph picking her out as usual. Beatrice drank orange juice in the car, listening to music via her brand new AirPods.

Her driver didn't take long to get her home.

Once she was inside her house, the blonde swimmer tossed her bags in a corner of the living room. Her maid asked her what she wanted for dinner and she told her to tell the chef to cook lobster bisque. Then she went to see her dad in his study, wondering what it was he wanted to talk to her about.

"I'm home!" she announced.

"I can see that."

"What is it, dad? What's so important that you had to tell me to come home straight after school?"

Her father looked ill at ease.

Alan told her "It's about your boyfriend."

"You mean ex-boyfriend."

"Yes, yes. Ex-boyfriend." He removed his glasses, wiping it with a piece of cloth. "You know how his parents found the panties in his room?"

"Of course," murmured the high schooler.

"There's a reason it was there."

"And the reason is that he cheated on me. That's what you want to say, right? That I should have listened to you from the start. That I could have saved myself from heartbreak if I never dated him in the first place - a boy who according to you could never be good enough for me."

Her father took a deep breath and said "No, that is not what I wanted to say."

Beatrice frowned. "What did you want to say then?" the blonde teen asked. She was perplexed - her father had never looked so uncomfortable before. At least, not in front of her.

"He did not cheat on you."

The questions came immediately.

"What? Did I hear you right? How do you know that?"

"I paid his parents to put the panties in his bedroom. I did it because I wanted you to break up with him but knew that I couldn't force you to. You are too stubborn. The only way to break you two up was to make you think he cheated."

Beatrice took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, telling herself to calm down.

It didn't work.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she shrieked. "Do you know how much it hurt me when I thought he was sleeping with someone else? You framed my boyfriend and made me think he cheated just because he isn't rich enough for your taste. You are a monster."

It struck him like a punch in the jaw. He knew he deserved it though. He sighed.

She asked "Why did you tell me?"

"Tyler was way smarter than I gave him credit for. He tricked me into admitting it and recorded it on his phone."

"Are you saying he figured out what he did?"

"Yes. A really bright boy, he is. He told me that either I tell you what I did or he'll play the recording for you. I figured it'd be better for you to hear it from me. I'm really sorry, honey. I was overprotective of you but now I know how wrong I was. It also hurt me seeing you cry. I was tempted to tell you before he confronted me, but I was too afraid, too much of a coward to admit what I did. You are right - I really am a monster."

Beatrice was fully prepared to sock him in the face. She clenched her fists, seriously considering breaking his cheekbones with a massive left hook. But then the girl thought of how much her father had always adored her, gave her everything she wanted and did everything to ensure she had a perfect upbringing. And she told him that she forgives him.

"It's okay," she mumbled. "Just no more interfering in our relationship, okay?"

"I promise I won't interfere again."

She went to wait for her dinner at the table. The maid brought it over for her and she began eating. As she ate, she thought of how much she wronged Tyler, accusing him of cheating based on flimsy evidence and saying one of the most cruel things you could say to a boy.

Her mother, who just came home from a spa treatment, joined her.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

"Did you know? About dad paying Tyler's parents?"

Carla inhaled deeply. "Yes, dear. I know I tried telling him not to do it but he didn't listen."

"What do I do now? He was faithful to me but I broke his heart and spat on the pieces. There is no way I can get him to forgive me now."

"He will. I know I sound optimistic but he definitely will when you told him you were wrong. Admit that you made a mistake. And tell him how much you love him." Beatrice looked at her mother gratefully, glad to have received advice.

She finished the dinner and when her brother returned home, she explained it all to him.

He was shocked and then outraged after finding out how their father had done such a despicable, detestable thing to his closest friend.

The boy also felt ashamed of himself for believing the worst about Tyler.

Once he was done beating himself up over his mistake, he hurriedly reassured Beatrice that she will be fine and Tyler will forgive her.

"Just apologize sincerely," he advised. "I too will be apologizing to him for all the things I have said."

That night Beatrice thought of how she was going to do it, trying to come up with the perfect words to express her feeling. She was no longer angry at her dad but was stumped and not sure about how to get out of the mess he created for her.

It was going to take some effort and the beautiful high school athlete knew it well.

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