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Favourite Cousin

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PACING BACK AND FORTH, Pian's mom knew they were supposed to be home by now. They weren't getting any calls about their current state, and it was making them feel worried. "Uh... I think they're okay. Maybe they got stuck in traffic?" Pian nervously tried to convince his worried mother, but he only received a tight hug from her, surprising him from the sudden affection. 

"I do hope so, Honeybun," She sighed deeply. That was when Pian's phone began beeping. A notification of an article had just popped in, bearing some important information. He grabbed his phone, checking what it has in store for them. His face fell the moment he saw the data that it contained. This is bad. An evil robot is in the city again. I hope Amato and Mechabot are dealing with it right now.

"Ma'am, they've arrived." The sound of the bodyguard's voice caught their attention. Their heads perk at this, and a look of relief painted their faces, most especially the mother of the said household. The things she would do in order to keep her niece-in-law safe was indescribable, almost as if she was her own child; a treatment she would always give to both Pian and his cousin. The young boy watched as she scurried off to meet his cousin at the door. 

He trailed behind her, mirroring her actions as he also wanted to see the familiar face he hadn't seen in ages. His curious green eyes darted towards the limousine of their family that parked in front of their mansion. The driver soon got off the vehicle, pulling the passenger door open for the person inside. In no more than a second, fresh from Britain, out came and revealed herself in a palette of green, the person Pian was thinking about the whole day.

A dull glint was present within her eyes as she emerged from the limousine. She fixed the wrinkles of her long green pleated skirt that reached a few inches just below her knees. The heels of her leather brown shoes clicked upon making contact with the ground from beneath. She fixed the ribbon tie while her (e/c) irises scanned the surroundings as if she didn't go through something overwhelming just a few minutes ago.

Y/n L/n, his one and only cousin.

"Y/n! How pleasant to see you once more," Pian's mother welcomed the young woman with her winning smile, engulfing her into a warm and longing embrace like whenever they meet each other. There she is, Y/n. She is almost like a sibling to me from the way Dad and Mom treat her, but it wasn't a bad thing really, I never even had to wonder what it felt like to have a sibling.

𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙮 ⌖ ᴹᵉᶜʰᵃᵐᵃᵗᵒWhere stories live. Discover now