Chapter 1: A serious house on serious earth

Start from the beginning

The scan began Joker started to speak "You know what I preferred the good old cavity search much more personal" which was followed a slew of giggles

" Got a red light, Multiple prohibited items"

Cash spoke angrily " I want Joker searched again"

"It's not Joker's "

Jokers head snapped to Spider-Man "oh whatcha sneeaking in with you webs ?"

Spider-Man looked at Joker and didn't answer

"Come on tell me actually spiders ,Spider-Buggy , Oh wait Spider-snack"

Spider-Man chuckled " if you gotta know it's something for Harley"

Jokers eyes are mad but Spider-Man keeps going " I've heard your buzzer will buzz to early "

Soon all the gaurds started laughing as Spider-Man staired at Joker even with his mask you could tell it was a smug look.

Joker said nothing but let a small growl of anger out .

The group move on as they passed more security and an Attractive young woman clearly a doctor her face stricken with fear

"Whats up Doc , Pencil me in for Tomorrow, We've got alot of catching up to do " Joker voice grew menacing at the last Part. Spider-Man watched her .she was clearly scared of Joker .But she seem ... more than scared " It's Joker everyone is afraid of Joker "

a group of blackgate inmates began chanting Jokers name .with a Smile on his face Jokers opened his mouth " I'm telling you, the state of the wiring in these federal facilities " his voice changed to fake sorrow " my boys could have hurt in that poor unfortunate fire " soon a doctor moved towards them to check on Jokers wasn't crippled. Only for the Joker to scare him frightening the doctor
"Just get him out of here " he Shouted . As the Joker laughed

Spider-Man made his way over to him quickly " you alright ?" he asked.

"I'm sorry Spider-Man I'm just on edge ,I watched Joker kill a gaurd last time he got out ,it still scares me "

Spider-Man simply nodded " I get it trust me " and walked towards Joker

As he was making his way toward joker and his security detail making there way towards the Elevator

"Spider-Man " a voice spoke out

Spider-Man turned around
"Doctor Conners" his voice spoke in suprice

David Tennant as Doctor Conners

"What are you doing in Arkham " Spider-Man asked in suprice

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"What are you doing in Arkham " Spider-Man asked in suprice

"Well Mr Wayne has me here trying to find a cure for a couple of the inmates " he said

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