Chapter Four (NSFW)

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A/N: tw for violence

Casey was dozing, half asleep on his cot when he heard the doors creaking open, metal hinges whining. He blinked in the darkness, unsure why the guards would be down here so late at night.

The noise grew louder and he finally forced himself awake, staring up at the boy who slept in the cage next to him.

Except he wasn't chained up and he wasn't wearing his muzzle. He sat up and before he even realized what was happening, his muzzle was being tossed aside and his collar unlocked.

"What are you—"

The boy—Maddox?—cut him off. "Rescue mission. Now come on, we don't have any time to waste."

"Rescue? Where—"

"Somewhere safe," he replied. "Come on, kid, let's go!"

He grabbed him and started running, and all he could do was keep up so he didn't find himself being dragged along until his arm dislocated.

They got to the top of the stairs when Casey finally wrenched his arm free.

Maddox spun around, staring at him like he was crazy. "What are you doing? We need to go!"

"This isn't going to work!" Casey shouted. "He's just gonna catch us and punish us!"

"He won't if we get away!" Maddox yelled. "But he'll catch us if we keep stalling!"

"I won't stop you," Casey said. "But I'm not coming with you."

Maddox scoffed. "You're crazy." He turned and ran out the door, running after his friends.

Casey had about three seconds to stare at his retreating figure before guards were streaming in from behind him and running after the escapees.

Then one tackled him to the ground. He yelped, crying out in pain as his forehead smacked into the floor.

"Don't move," the guard growled.

"I'm not," Casey insisted. "I'm not fighting, I won't resist."

He grunted but otherwise didn't answer, hauling him up and onto his knees. The man's radio continued to go off with harsh chatter, filling the otherwise stale silence.

Ichirou came down the stairs just then, strolling down still dressed in a suit despite the late hour.

"Report," he barked at the guard.

"Five runners," he replied. "Four retrieved. One got away."

Ichirou practically growled. "Get the dogs. Find him. We're fifty miles from civilization, find him."

The guard bowed. "Of course, boss."

He glanced down at him, and he felt his bottom lip wobble and eyes water involuntarily.

"Now, what about you," Ichirou murmured.

Casey swallowed hard and silently begged for mercy.

"Leave us," Ichirou ordered. The guard nodded, releasing Casey and running off towards the rest of the escapees.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Ichirou asked, voice so, so cold.

"I'm sorry!" Casey cried, not knowing what else to say. "I didn't mean to, but I promise, I'll be a good boy!" He cried. "I'll be quiet, you won't even have to use the muzzle!"

Ichirou looked down at him, eyebrows pulled down in what could have been a frown, or perhaps sympathy?

He hummed, as if analyzing him, and Casey tried his best to stay as still as possible. He wasn't sure he succeeded, but Ichirou didn't say anything.

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