"Oh what does he know he spent months grieving our daughter drinking that wasn't okay either you know what isn't either?! My daughter has a constant fear that her happiness will be taken from her; she can't just live one second without thinking about it. I was supposed to fix it years ago and I didn't"

"And I've heard the same complaints from her: both of you wreck your brains about it and it's not okay. You guys forget we are all helping but I know you. You believe you can fix it all on your own..."

"Do not finish that Stefan because everything is possible" Ada warned she hated hearing the fact that she probably couldn't fix the problem that had troubled her since she was little she hated it.

"Damon always loved how brave you were. I remember how much you changed him, you gave him the confidence to be brave too" as Stefan said that Ada's face softened. She missed Damon so much she hated that she couldn't have him there.

Damon loved Ada endlessly and there was nothing he wouldn't do for her but she would always beat him to it she was so determined on everything she did she was so good at outsmarting people and Damon admired her for it until the moment it caused him her death. If Damon knew about the curse sooner he would've taken her spot in a heartbeat but Ada was too smart.

"I know..." she sighed letting her head fall, running her hands through her hair. "I was so close I thought I finally had it that I was finally going to have it all again but no it's like we can't exist in this earth together like it's impossible"

"I know eventually you'll figure it out but if you don't take care of yourself it will end you again Ada think about Rory her hopes are high too but if you keep this up everything will crumble down again and this time it won't only be Damon you're hurting"

Ada paused again at Stefan's comment that he knew exactly where to hit her and she hated it. "You know how much I hate you right?"

"Heard it a couple times since you got back and before you died so I'm sure I have an idea" he shrugged watching how she just anticipated for him to pour the tea into a cup and he knew that she was also waiting for him to put a few drops of his blood in. "You're going to sleep after this I don't care what you say but you will sleep and continue tomorrow when everyone is here to help"

"Stefan...I don't even know them..."

"We are a family Ada now it's more than just my brother you and Rory we have so many people that care and we'll get through it okay" Stefan assured and passed over the cup to the girl. "Rory needs this too. Eventually she will start to drift off again and the person we had..."

"I know" Ada stopped him, taking the cup. "I'm scared of that too. It will break her" she paused while taking a drink. "Have you even heard from him?"

"Not since he brought Luna no. Do you want me to find out?"

"I want to know just so I can stop her if she starts to ask questions. I want to be able to know if I should stop her or not. I mean what if he moved on?" Ada replied, causing Stefan to frown thinking about how much that would hurt Aurora.

"I'll make a call and find out I'll see you in the morning and please go to sleep" Stefan warned before leaving the girl there alone in the kitchen.

For a while Ada felt like she didn't belong; she thought she would've been better off staying the way she was. She had died years ago and felt like it should've stayed that way but now as she started to get used to it she liked it but she was becoming too controlling over Aurora.

She had a right to be scared and worry for her but the way she was overprotective over the girl was getting worse and she had to accept Aurora was no longer a little girl.

𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦- E. Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now