CHAPTER 1: Collision

Start from the beginning

"North! Again it's nothing like that! I already have a partner, jeez!" Alan explains in frustration.

Sonic nudge North's side, silently scolding him. "Don't mind him. I'm Sonic, nice to meet you!" They the shook hands.

They introduced themselves one by one until it all came down to the last person, Way. Babe really tried to compose himself and not sweat or shake.

"Hi! I'm Way!" Way introduces and he holds Babe's hands with two hands.

Babe's eyes grew wide in surprise at the intimacy and proximity since Way practically closed the gap between their faces.

"H-Hi! I'm Babe-

"You're so cute! No need to be nervous! I don't bite!" Way reassured Babe.

"I'm sorry? Cute? I mean, thanks! And uhm, I'm really a big fan of yours," he says shyly.

"I know! Alan reminds me that everyday!" Way laughs.

Babe shot Alan a death glare. "Is that so, I hope he didn't say anything weird."

"He didn't! He just told me that you think of me when you–

"Okay that's enough- Ouch" Alan cries. Babe just, out of embarrassment, punched Alan on his stomach.

"I'm sorry! I didn't say anything like that! Ai, Way!" He lightly slapped Way on his arms and the latter just chuckles.

"I was just teasing! Sorry, Babe. Want to take a picture with me?" Way tries to distract Babe from killing his best friend because of the nonsense he said.

Babe, successfully distracted, agrees immediately with Way's offer.

However, before they could take a picture, Babe suddenly collapsed to the ground gripping his chest while breathing heavily.

"Babe!" Alan shouts before running to Babe's side.

"Charlie!" North and Sonic yells in unison. He was in the same state as Babe. Worried cries filled the room.

But amidst the chaos, two pairs of eyes met. Neither knowing why this is happening and why they're happening at once.

One thing's for sure though, in that moment they are strangers to each other but their hearts collided and are beating at the same time.

Suddenly, all alphas, enigmas, and omegas in the room still without mates took a step back and covered their nose. Everyone was panicking.

It was Babe's alpha pheromones bing released.

Babe is in heat.

Curses and profanities were heard and to add more fire to the chaos, Way, who is an enigma started to approach Babe, obviously out of it.

When, in an instant a figure ran and carried Babe to a corner.

It was Charlie.

No one has any idea of what's happening. But it seems that Charlie's protecting Babe out of instinct.

Alan tries to approach them because he's confident that he's sane enough unlike others. He already has a soulmate so, he's not affected by other's pheromones. But he was shocked when Charlie bit his arms until it bled.


"Fuck! Stay back!" He warned. He's slowly loosing sanity so he uses the pain to make himself conscious. He's oblivious of what's going on but his instincts tells him to protect this person behind him. He also released his pheromones in hopes that it'll calm the alpha behind him.

"Charlie, hey... I won't harm him, I'm here to help... Medics are on the way, please stop releasing your scent. It's hurting other people... they're loosing consciousness. And- Babe!" Alan shouts once again when he saw Babe faint.

Charlie despite himself, became worried but instead of stopping his pheromones, he unconsciously made it stronger due to anger. An anger he doesn't know where it came from.

"Shit!" Alan exclaimed when he stumbled. An enigma's pheromones can affect other alphas especially if it's strong enough.

But the enigma, Charlie, didn't care. All his still sane mind tells him to do is to watch Babe and protect him. He caresses Babe's face, trying to wake him up but it was to no avail. So, instead, he hugged the small figure.

Charlie doesn't know why he did that.

He doesn't understand a thing.

Yet, protecting Babe seems to be the only thing that is clear to him.

And unknowingly they both started breathing normally, feeling safe in each other's embrace, and hearts beating the same rhythm.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

I'm back, I guess??

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