"Kamilla?! Are you ready? We're leaving in 2 minutes" I yell and I start to hear her loud footsteps coming down the stairs. She's considerately overdressed for a soccer game at our school.

"I'm ready, can we pick Vanessa up on the way?" There it is, the reason for her evil smile. Vanessa is her new best friend, and for good reason, Vanessa is mean. And not just the 'oh no she's talking crap about me' type, the 'she slashed my tires' type. She did that to some of the girls cars and I swear if she does it to mine, she'll regret it.

"How far does she live, and will she behave?" Kamilla rolls her eyes at me and begins to answer my questions.

"She lives on the way, and I'm not responsible for her behaviour so I don't know" she sits on the passenger seat of my car.

"Well I don't want another brat in my car, especially not if she spills her drink in her or does something else to my car" I say with the sweetest voice I can come up with on the spot.

Kamilla goes silent.

"Fine let's go get her, but I won't promise I can give yall a ride back from the game, I might leave before it's over" I put my car into drive and goes the direction towards the school.

"It's fine I can find another ride from there" by some guy I assume, it isn't hard to imagine what she'll do for a ride.

When we get there the bleachers are packed, which beyond annoying. I see Emmy out of the corner of my eye and head her way, leaving the two girls to fend for themselves.

"Katrine! You've finally decided to show up for a game!" Emmy screams in excitement, like soccer is the most interesting thing in the world.

I look around and catch a glimpse of the players as well as the people around us.

The scene in front of me is interesting, there is people every where, some looking at the players on the field warming up, and others chatting with each other. It's surprisingly warm for a day in fall, it falls out of the ordinary in Illinois a northern state however fall did just begin is it would be somewhat normal.

geography has never been a particularly strong suit of mine, nonetheless I know more the most of my peers; I kinda had to. coming from a country Denmark my parents expect me to be smart, yet my sister never had such expectations. She has always gotten a free pass, because she is the princesse and could do no wrong, so coming home with three D's on her report card was never a big deal.

"Yep, here I am" I try to respond enthusiastic, even though I would rather be anywhere else than watch soccer.

Not because I don't like soccer, more just because I hate being around all these people that I don't give a crap about and who doesn't even know anything about the sport, it's the feeling of pure torture that I have to sit around people yelling to the players like they have a clue what's going on.

Spending a lot of time with my brother and his friends taught me a lot. My brother is really into sports, especially soccer, basketball, and tennis. And I was kinda forced to watch it growing up, but I started to like it.

I sit down with Emmy and Valerie. they've chosen the best spot the bleachers have to offer, a little off centred and then on one of the bottom rows. we have perfect view of the players, which means the players have perfect view as well.

His pov.

During my warmup I spot Valerie, sitting down with Emmelia and I'm once again defeated by the fact that Katrine isn't with them.

The last 3 games I've been benched within the first 20 minutes for not playing well, I really can't blame anyone but myself for this. I get my hopes up every time that Katrine would show up, but she never does.

"Lee! Get ready to play" coach yells to me from across the field.

I start to run back towards him, so I can get rid of my windbreaker and sit down for a moment before I have to play, well that's until I hear Emmy screaming "Katrine! you've finally decided to show up for a game."

It catches me completely off guard, when it hits me that Katrine is actually here. My mind starts spinning and when an elbow hits my arm I come back to reality.

I realise it's William when he starts talking to me "bro what's up with you? You have to be on the field in less than 10 minutes, get a grip" meanwhile I hear Katrine talking in the background.

"I'm ready to play Will, are you ready to play?" I'm not ready to play, but you fake it tell you make it, is something I'll always stand by.

"Whatever man, when you come out on that field you better bring your A game, because if you don't you'll probably not be a starter anymore, coach have had enough of you playing bad and everyone on the team knows it. Do you know how many players want your position?" William shakes his head and then continues "Lee this is your fucking future, you know that right? You have a scholarship in your hand at the most competitive university in the country and you're about to throw it all away for what? A girl? If you don't go out there and play today, you might not have that opportunity anymore."

William is technically right, I could be throwing it away by not playing today, but what he doesn't know is I know for a fact that Katrine is here and that she would love to see me fail.

I gotta put on a show.

✁ ✃ ✁


Helloooo, it's me again.

I hope you liked this chapter, I'm currently unable to edit this chapter but I'll get working on it the next few hours.

As some of you know I'm working on the first few chapters of a new book and I'm so excited to show it to you all.

I'll be back within the next few days with a new chapter of this book as well as the new one.

Also I'm thinking of making a schedule of posting, if that's something some of you would be interested in let me know.

Only love.

SHM <3

Everything DoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora