Chapter 4

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"Folk snakker mere end hva' de burde. Hvorfor fa'en åbner de munden når de ik' er blevet spurgt"

(People talk more than what they should. Why the hell do they open their mouths when they wasn't asked)

His pov.

"Hey Lee?" I hear William say.

"What's up" I answer quite fast.

"Did you hear it?!" excitement radiating off of him.

"No, what is it?"

"You remember Kamilla?"

"What does that bitch have to do with this?" I question.

"Apparently she has a twin sister that will come to school today" 'she does?'

"How do you know that?" 'No really she just started last week'

"Don't you know? She gossips about everyone and everything" 'yeah she does that's how she her rep and popularity'

"So did she say anything about why her sister is joining school a week late?" suspicion rising in me.

"You know it" he winks.

"So?" 'why didn't he just say it?'

"Oh she said something about a hospital or something" 'hospital?'

"And did she say why she was in the hospital?" I ask a bit concerned.

"No, but honestly I don't think she knows and I don't think she truly cares either" he shrugs.

'WHAT, don't care that her sister was in the hospital?'

"Anyway Kamilla claims that her sister is ugly and a real bitch" 'then they most be the same person'

"Are you sure she isn't describing herself?" we both start laughing hysterical.

"Well they are twins after all" William says in between laughs.

"I guess it's double trouble then" the laughter dies out.

"I guess so" William walks over to Kamilla and I assuming to get the newest gossip.

'I swear that guy lives for drama and gossip'

William is a well build guy, but I guess that comes with soccer training. He has blonde hair with minimal waves in it and very light brown eyes and his skin is sun kissed. He's a tall guy about 6' tall and he has girls falling to left and right of him. He is wearing a basic, boring outfit as always, t'shirt and some casual pants, not sweat pants though which is kinda unusual.

he kinda look a little like Kamilla, with her having blonde hair as well though her hair is visibly dyed and frizzy, her eyes is blue like the ocean and she has a tacky fake tan, the girl is also like 5'4 which is nothing compered to his height. She is wearing a crop top and shorts that almost has her whole ass on display.

'Slut alaram'

I decide to get away from little miss gossip, that girl is constantly up in my business. 'God she's so annoying'

When I bump into someone I'm pissed and start cussing them out.

I look at the person 'WTH?! but that's not possible'

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