Chapter 2

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"Det kræver ikk' en PHD for at du kan fatte det"

(You don't need a PHD to understand)

I wake unable to remember how I fell asleep or where I am, I look at a clock and see that's 2.00 am.

I do a double take just to make sure I'm seeing that right. And I am, I fell asleep and its currently 2.07 am, it feels weird.

For the last few months I haven't been able to fall asleep before 2 am or even just stay asleep which is probably also why I woke up.

I feel myself drifting in and out of sleep with a massive headache not able to make out what is real and what is just my imagination.

For a long time I'm in this state and just waiting till I feel tired again.

I see a figure outside my window but brush it off because I literally also see Peppa pig in the corner of my eye dancing with Pedro Pascal? 'Am I seeing that?'

At last I'm falling asleep again but just as I am about to fall into oblivion I remember the voices and come to the conclusion:

'they were right, they always are and they always will be'

My sister brage through the door to my room screaming at me but I can't make out what she is saying. she comes closer and begins to shake me, when I don't respond to it she slaps me. HARD.

I finally gain full consciousness "what the hell Kamilla?!"

she scoffs and give me a bored look "did you drop one of my boxes yesterday?"

'I did so what? if you wanted the job done properly you should have done it yourself' is what I wanted to say but that wouldn't have ended well.

"No?" I look innocently to be as convincing as I can.

"You totally sure?" I just nod. Anything for this conversation to end.

After she leaves I get up doing a little victory dance and begin searching for my clock to check to time but I come up empty handed

'I'm sure I saw a clock in here'

Then I remember 'I have my phone' I go back to my bed to find my phone missing.

'Where did it go?' 'did she? No she wouldn't' as I know she indeed would I run down the stairs.

"Good morning Katrine" my mom greets me.

'why so cheery, did dad finally fuck her sorry ass?' 'HAHAHAHAHHA I know, I know'

"Where is it?!" I just know it's her.

"Where is what?" 'that bitch knows very well what I am talking about'

"Wait you mean this" she takes my phone out.

"Yeah, why did you take it?" I ask generally curious.

"Oh you mean you don't remember that argument yesterday" 'seriously?'

"I do, but what do my phone have to do with that?"

She looks at me dumb founded "everything, you won't get your phone back till you start school on monday" 'I can live that, it's friday today and I've had much worse punishments'

"Ugh fine" she looks pleased, just what I was aiming for.

I've been trained subconsciously at this for years so now it's really easy. when you grow up being psychological abused you tend to develop this skill.

But what I really wanted in the first place was to know the time. It can't be too late as my mom said "good morning" and not "good noon"

"Hey mom, what time is it?" I resort to asking her as I can't find any clock in this damn house

'Why don't this house have a clock'

"Oh it's 9.28, why?" 'what? I slept for that long?'

"Oh no reason I just don't have a clock" she just shrugs.

I walk back up my room as I still need to pack all of my shit out.

"Wow, what kind of bomb went of in here?" I hear a laugh .

"Not that it concerns you, but I'm unpacking" I say knowing exactly who it is.

"Okay moody" she leaves.

'I'll be damned if I spend anymore time with her'

I don't even get half way through when I decide I'm done for the day. It's only 5 pm but I simply don't have the energy to keep going.

I put leave me or love me on my speaker feeling weak.

I like this song so much.

I start to put other songs in an queue, including I miss you I'm sorry, Cardigan, Kill bill and Wildest dreams.

When I'm done I feel a little proud adding so many good songs in the queue, but I can't help but to feel the dizziness that threaten to over take me.

My door swings open my lovely sister stares at me "food is ready" 'right that's it, I forgot to eat. that explains it'

I wobble down the stairs unable to control my balance.

"Sit down, sit down. we've already started eating" a chair is pulled out beside my dad.

I blob down on it a headache appearing.

"You don't look so good" concern written all over my moms face.

"I'm fine don't worry about it" I try to keep my head high.

We start eating and the voices appear along with the headache getting worse .

'Do you even deserve this meal?'

'Watch how much you take'

'you're a pig, you know that?'

they tune out as soon as my mom starts talking to me.

"So what have you been doing all day? I haven't seen you"

"Just unpacking" I reply dryly as I don't really feel like talking to her.

When we have eaten I go to the bathroom feeling my meal push itself up my throat.

I get in there and bent over the toilet but just like that my throat closes up letting nothing pass through it.

I stay in there for a little this just to be sure.

After I have decided it's fine to go out I head for my room.

"And where do you think you're going?" my mom stands behind me.

"Sorry, but I can't help out today I feel really sick" she puts a hand to my forehead

"Honey you're burning up, hurry up and get in bed" 'switching up that fast huh?' ' you don't need a PHD to understand. If you are buying what I'm selling'

I quickly get up to my room throwing myself on the bed.

My vision weakens and I feel really dizzy.

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Okay so this chapter is a little shorter and Idk how I feel abt that.

Shutout to all the lovely ladies who have an ED or have had. Y'all are great, enough and deserve everything good.

And thank you for reading this far.

Only love. 

SHM <3

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