Chapter 1

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"Diva what? Diva who? Diva where? That's me!"

"What are we doing here?" I ask not the least bit impressed with the house we're standing in front.

"It's our new home" my dad states as if it was obvious.

'Seriously? This hole?' something I know won't be appreciated if I say it out loud.

"It's charming" Kamilla tries unsure.

"Right" I say, not content that I'll be living here.

"Wow you couldn't be more negative could you?" my mom hisses.

"Actually I could" I answer just to piss her off a little more.

'Seriously I could, but I remember that you have to respect the elders or something along those lines'

She just drops it because she knows nothing good will come out of arguing with me.

"So what do we think?" my dad tries to lift the mood, failing miserable.

"I think it's great!" my mom butts in with too much enthusiasm in her voice, almost like she's trying to convince herself more than us.

"Well it's the place we'll live in so it's fine I guess" I manage to sound so convincing that I receive a smile from both my dad and my mom.

'Idk what else to say I can live there but that's it'

My sister that annoying rodent choose to whisper "Diva what? Diva who? Diva where? That's you!" just low enough for our parents not to hear but I high enough that I did.

I just act like I didn't hear it.

'The house is not actually that bad, I'm just pissed I had to move from my friends and my home to this dump'

It's a Madison WI house look alike in what you would consider a "good" neighborhood. It got that classic gray color that I'm not really font of but it got really big windows something that I absolutely love

I figured that I get to choose my own room, so I go to check out the house and find a beautiful room with a big window out to the road, it's not big but it's just right in fact I could see myself finding comfort in this room.

I check out the rest of the house but don't find any other room I like as much, so I go back to that room to claim it as my own.

When I have claimed it my sister comes. She sees me and looks at me and I can't read her face until she looks down at something, I follow her eyes and see my bags I look back up at her and she looks furious.

"What is your bags doing in here?" she doesn't even hide the fact that she's mad.

"What do you mean?" I try to get a more clear question out of her.

"What are your bags doing in my room" she sounds more calm now.

"Your room?" I look around to see if she claimed it before I did, coming up empty handed.

"Yes MY room, are you deaf?" 'EXCUSE YOU'

"No I'm not" 'you insufferable fuck' "but I can't see any of your stuff in here"

"So?" she scoffs.

"So you haven't claimed it and that means it's my room now" I say in a calm tone.

"MOM, DAD!" she yells.

"YES" it comes from down stairs.


Like two elefants my parents runs up the stairs.

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