Monday, April 1st

17 2 0

Dear Mingi, the love of my life,

The doctors finally reached out to me... I had a feeling all along, but part of me had hope that I had done enough...

I heard you put up a fight. I knew you would, you're not one to give up easily.

I just want to know why it had to be you... why did you try to sacrifice yourself for me? You were such a beautiful, bright, and innocent soul.

I hope my letters somehow got to you, wherever you are now. I hope they eased the pain of your passing.

Just know, I will be joining you here soon. My supervisor is moving me to the intensive care unit tomorrow, but by then I will already be gone.

I hope that whatever lies beyond death is calm.

And I hope that I'm able to see you again.


Hongjoong. See you soon baby.

Letters To You - .MINJOONG.Where stories live. Discover now