Thursday, April 27th

18 3 0

Dear Sunshine,

You haven't answered me yet... it's ok though, you need to focus on your health. Still no update on your health either. I'm pretty sure that they just don't care enough to tell me. I'm not even sure that they're giving you these letters.

But these letters are the only thing keeping me sane right now, so I'm going to keep writing.

I got moved to the special watch unit today. I survived 5 days in the main quarters without being made into someone's prison bitch, so that's a plus, right? I mean, a man who has the blood of 3 men on his hands isn't the most tempting person on the planet.

I still haven't come to terms with it myself, you know? I was just trying to keep you alive. I never meant to hurt anyone. My cellmate before I was moved out of the main quarters kept telling me that I wasn't a bad person but I'm not sure I can believe him. What good person kills 3 men?

My mind feels like it's eating me from the inside out. I just want to see you, I want to know that you're ok. I want to see your smile Mingi, I want to hear your laugh, god... I just want to hear your voice. I want to see your eyes, your beautiful chestnut brown eyes. I want to touch your soft skin.

Please be ok? For the both of us. I don't know what I would do without you.

Hugs and kisses,


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