Saturday, April 29th

15 3 0

Dear Sweetheart,

It's me again. I kept waiting and waiting for a letter to come in. For something, anything, to come in to tell me that you were ok, but the world has been silent.

I'm losing my mind baby. I can't sleep, and I haven't stopped shaking. I haven't eaten in 4 days. My supervisor has talked about sending me to the intensive care unit but there aren't any open cells there yet. I thought moving to this unit would make me feel safer, but now I feel so lonely. I have no cell partner, and everyone in the open areas seems to want to talk to anyone. Not that I'm really trying to make friends here.

I just want you to answer me already. I don't think I can hold on much longer.

I don't know what I did to deserve this... I did everything I could to keep you alive, and now I don't even know if you are. If I did something to make you hate me, just send me a letter to tell me to stop messaging you. This silence is killing me Mingi.


Letters To You - .MINJOONG.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora