Now It's Official

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Chapter 2

Of course, we couldn't just leave. Percy felt the need to give Cassian my entire families history and what an honor it was to be marrying into our bloodline. I knew Percy was a fucking idiot. He could only see things through his point of view. I was marrying into his family not the other way around. But, Cassian just listened as the ship started to take off. He kept his eyes focused solely on me. It wasn't until I had to rudely announce I was tired and ready to retire for the evening that we were finally left alone.

I was shown my chambers. And as I stepped into the room the heavy, aged scent of tree wood permeated the air, mingling with the subtle aroma of salt that lingered on the maps scattered across the room. Candlelight danced upon the walls, casting elongated shadows that played hide and seek with the silver embellishments adorning every available surface.

My quarters exuded a sense of lived-in ruggedness, a stark contrast to the pristine opulence of my former surroundings. The giant bed, draped in rich black silk stood as the centerpiece, an imposing yet inviting haven amidst the sea of maps and navigational tools.

There was a small round cherry wood table, set plainly with bread and cheese, exuding an earthy fragrance, a simple offering in the midst of the grandeur. The flickering candlelight danced upon the glass bottle of wine, hinting at an unspoken invitation to share a moment of respite amid the tumultuous journey ahead.

Silver glinted from the meticulously crafted compass on the desk to the intricate designs adorning the edges of the maps. The candle holders, fashioned in elegant patterns, reflected the soft light, adding a touch of grace to the otherwise practical space.

As Prince Cassian helped me remove my cloak and placed it on a nearby hook then guided me into the quarters, his presence, a blend of confidence and intrigue, filled the room. His dark green eyes seemed to hold a hint of mischief, contrasting with the seriousness of the surroundings. With an air of familiarity, he gestured for me to take a seat, his eyes never leaving mine as he moved with an effortless grace around the room.

Even though I was ready to sit I couldn't. Years of being taught how to act would not allow me to sit until he did.

"Do you drink?" Prince Cassian asked heading over to the large table covered with maps and bottles.

Never, mother always said it was unlady like.


"Is now sometimes?" He said picking up two silver cups and filling them with dark wine.

I walked up behind him quietly making sure he didn't slip anything into my drink. "It can be, if only to not let you drink alone, my Prince".

Prince Cassian handed me my cup he roughly clinked our glasses,"To you".

"To a fruitful future. Long may you reign, my Lord", I tasted the red liquid and it was bitter.

"I was serious when I said we don't use titles in the East", he said leaning against the edge of the table. He quickly finished his drink when I had only taken two sips that I could stomach; it already made my cheeks warm.

"What should I call you?"

"Cassian or husband, whichever you prefer" he responded crossing strong arms across his chest

"Of course, my lor---, Cassian. I will break the habit".

"Two weeks at sea, will do that", he said. We fell into an awkward silence before Prince Cassian spoke again,"What would you like me to call you?"

"Eliana or wife", I said wanting to echo his thoughts. I had only been called by titles my entire life so actually using my name will be different.

"Should we make it official?" Prince Cassian said popping up off the desk before turning around. He scatterly moved maps and paperwork until he found our marriage contract. At the bottom on the right I saw my father's signature and golden wolf and dragon seal on the left was Prince Cassian signature in family seal and silver of two swords crossing,"I've been told in the West the father signs the marriage agreement on behalf of the daughter. In the East, the bride signs with the groom".

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