"They- they have it. The- the new project's- it's on it's way" he said struggling to speak, it was visible he had been running for quite a while.

Then General Karpov stood up, he didn't had time to loose, if they interrupted him, it had to be important "What the hell are you talking about?"

"The Winter Project- they ordered it to be started." The man replied, a devilish smirk forming on the general's face

"Good news, they finally catched the mouse then." It was more an affirmation rather than a question, adding to that the proud-like lift of his head.

"Yes sir." The soldier replied and nodded, standing still before his superior

"Hail Hydra!" He shouted, for all to hear

All the rest followed quickly on his action and chanted the words at the same time "Hail Hydra!"

"Let hell beggin" Karpov muttered to himself- this was going to be interesting.

~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~

US, 1995

"Where is he going?" A guard asked to the other as they walked side by side

The other man hesitated to answer "Back to Siberia" he let out

"You know why?" He whispered

"You shouldn't be doing too much questions- i'll only answer because you are a handler and we'll go; The Winter project was restarted. There is a new succesfull soldier in the project- this isn't like the recently failed squad, she's already trained and under control, one thousand times better than those soldiers, difference she is like him, sometimes hard but manageable nonethless"

A female, he though and then asked "How long it took them to..." he didn't need to make it more specific, for all he knew it took a good while to break the other soldier, and this people's methods weren't exactly- well he didn't even knew how to describe it.

With a resignated tone the man replied "Like one or two years, i don't know the exact age but she's young so they don't want her in the field yet, but they do want her to be along side him- she'll be like his shadow after all." He slightly lowered his head as they arrived in front of the prisioner's cell, standing still and waiting for the cell to be open to them.

'Poor girl' the other though- from all the guards, this young guy was the only one the man complied and listened to. The others didn't understood why, but in a world where they treated you like trash and a monster, a bit of kindness was odd but really aprecciated.

The Soldier was escorted onto the plane by many guards alongside his two handlers, who were all armed and wearing heavy gear, the other guards resting their hands on their weapons at all times and keeping a close watch on him, they took extra precautions, as he was a particularly dangerous prisoner.

Once he was inside, they sat him only to shortly after sedate him. Some of the guards kept their weapons pointed at him, even when he was fast asleep, no one trusted a serial killer, who adding to the situation was doing so against his will, he could wake up and make a carnage if they lowered their ward.

The flight was cold and unsettling, as the prisoner sat unconcious and strapped tight into the seat. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional sound of the engine and the occasional creak of the hull that was tense and nerve-wracking. The flight draged on and on, the silence still mostly unbroken, the chill still lingering. The guards were still on high alert, not letting up on their watch.

Then after a while the plane landed, icy cold air of the frozen mountains quickly filling the place, the soldier was awoken and acompained the whole way inside the base, soldiers at the whole perimeter and some walking along with guns pointed at him- what a life.

~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆ ~

Siberia, 1995

Poor girl indeed, when they arrived the soldier was put into a cryostasic chamber, his handlers would acostume the girl to the training and all the rest the soldier was used to- what the young man didn't expected to see was a girl they had been told had just turned 13 screaming and squirming in the electroshock chair, she was in the very definicion of pure agony, only the screams could tell you that from the other side of the floor. This people was worse than hell- or the devil himself.

Their explanation to the young kid there? 'The soldier was too hard to break even at a young age, a kid would- and indeed worked better and faster' arseholes of hell.

He vividly remembered the moment they passed by that room.

'As they passed, he felt the soldier falter in his steps and pull at their hold- it wasn't the most horrible thing that they had seen, but it didn't meant it was nice.

He heard a low growl from the soldier and turned to him, the man had a frown on his face and for once it seemed he was certain of his thoughs. The soldier kept in his place as he spoke to the young man, with what could be refered to as a regretfull tone; he knew what it felt like. "Она всего лишь ребенок" She's just a child. He was right, but there was nothing they could do without getting killed or tortured, with a heavy heart and stained conscience, they had to force a reclutant angry soldier to walk along, the older soldier felt that it was like dealing with his kid all over again. He didn't wanted to leave, even if it wouldn't change a thing- something the three of them unknowingly agreed on, but they had to get him in his cell.

In the next hours he would be put into cryo until his new shadow was ready to help him- until then there was no specific time, but it had to be sooner than late.'

That had been a month prior, now it was late april, and the girl was listening well to training- not like she had another option, but it could've been worst. The young companion of the handler- and his son, was a few years older than the kid. He talked to her and tried to give her company at times; she was afraid, starved, bruised, mentally destroyed, yet she faintly smiled to his jokes.

Though it didn't lasted long, with each week her eyes lost life, only comming back when the base was almost empty and they could talk. Today it wasn't a good one, she would be forced on electroshock- again.

With each moment a powerfull beast was forced to be evil, and exept those who has seen her at the beginning but would not care, the rest of the world would only see a monster.

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