final announcement

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Hey everyone, late happy new year! :))

I'm afraid this marks the end of my stories on Wattpad. It's been fun, and I've really enjoyed writing stories for all of you, but I don't enjoy writing as much as I used to. It just feels like another piece of work that I have to do rather than a hobby. My three books were honestly so helpful when I was in high school, both for creative writing purposes and just for fun. I'm really sorry to the people who requested things and I have failed to complete them. :(

After I've posted this, I'll post some of my unfinished stories, though they will remain unfinished and will not be proofread. If I do ever come back, I'll try to finish them, but that is unlikely. I may post a chapter which explains what the plot was gonna be if you want :)

Anyone who follows my Tsukasa one-shot book, this will be the same, but I will be posting one last chapter since it sort of has a story going on. I don't have an exact day for this but I am working on it.

Now, I'd rather focus on art. It is what I enjoy most, after all! If you still want to see content from me, you can follow me on TikTok (@vai1en) or Instagram (@vai13n). :)

Thank you all for everything, love you all!

Beyond This World ◇ Rui KamishiroWhere stories live. Discover now