The Unsolvable Problem

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You see why I'm always miserable now? The love of my life is stuck in the body of a cat. It sounds like a joke. It's sounds like a funny problem. Let me tell you one thing; it isn't.

Remember when the Chamber of Secrets was opened? Remember when Muggleborns were being attacked? Who was the first victim? Dolly was. I had renamed her Mrs. Norris, and she was fine with that. It sounded more cat-like.

Dolly was Muggleborn, that's why she was attacked. Her body was one of a cat, but her mind and soul were still human. I thought she was dead, and that was the worst feeling in the world.

I had never stopped loving her. Why, I even invited her to the Yule Ball with me. It may have looked funny to the students. "Oh look! There's the caretaker with his cat! How pathetic...". But to me, it was dance I never got to share with her.

She always helped me trap students. Find students who were out after hours or up to mischief.

The Battle of Hogwarts, though? The worst day of my life.

I was looking through my many cabinets and shelfs to find objects that I'd confiscated long ago. I could use them against Death Eaters. During this time, Dolly escaped. She probably wanted to see what was going on, or find somewhere to hide. The point is, she left, and I didn't know where she was.

When everyone was fighting, I realized it wasn't safe to walk about defenceless. I was only a Squib. Mrs. Norris knew more than me, and she was a cat!

I had loved for years. I loved her before I even knew her. And she was gone.

Not gone. Left. Leaving. She was not dead, or was she?

I was in a wonderland of confusion and worry. And it sucked.

Was I crazy? I had stood by Mrs. Norris's side for many, many years, and she ran away in a blink of an eye. I couldn't even speak to her because she was a cat.

The truth was that I didn't fall in love with a tabby cat who goes by the name of Mrs. Norris. I fell in love with a beautiful-in-her-own-way witch who didn't have a care in the world. I fell in love with Dolly. What I hadn't realized, but I do now, is that she's changed. Like they are two different people. I hadn't stopped loving her, but she had changed.

Now it's May 3rd, 1998. I was cleaning up after the Battle of Hogwarts. We won, but I was still depressed. I had lost my true love for real now. I had proof. 

You may think I'm crazy, but there she was, dead on the cold stone floor. And this time, I couldn't bring her back.

A/N: So there's my story! I know it's weird, but sometimes you just have to respect a man and his love for his cat/love-of-his-life/Animagi. I'm sad she's dead. If you couldn't tell by my name, I love cats. This is probably the oddest book I've ever written. That's okay, though, I'm an odd person. 

The cat and the Squib: a love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن