The first date

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I had asked her out to dinner. She had said yes. I was surprised, no girl had ever happily accepted a date from me in years. Perhaps they thought I was getting too old.

I was supposed to meet Dolly, that's Mrs. Norris's first name, at the Leaky Cauldron at 6 o'clock. It was 5:30 and she was already there. Fashionably early? I think so.

I ordered us two FireWhiskys.

"I love FireWhisky" I said in a very groggy voice.

"It really burns your throat, I love the feeling" she smiled. Was that a joke? Doesn't matter, the FireWhiskys had arrived! I took a sip and my groggy throat was cured immediately. Magic definitely has its benefits.

"So, you know my job. What do you do?"

"I work at Hogwarts"

"Are you a professor?" she asked excitedly. I groaned to myself. Sooner or later, I'd have to tell her I'm a Squib.

"No. I'm the caretaker"

"Oh..." she looked a bit disappointed, but tried to cover it up and look interested by saying, "Do you have any funny or crazy stories about some kids there?"

"Don't get me started! There are these two boys, both first year, named Sirius Black and James Potter. They have caused me so much trouble! One time, they..." I continued my story. This part was true. They were a pain in the butt.

It's funny when you look back on these memories. Harry Potter, James Potter's son, had just defeated You-Know-Who yesterday and here I am talking about some troubles his father had caused me. James Potter is now dead. So is Sirius Black. As well as they're two sidekicks, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. Time flies, doesn't it?

I can't say I'm happy they're dead, except maybe Sirius Black. But you can't blame me, he was a murderer! (A/N: I can't even tell you how hard it was for me to write this bit)

I laughed with Dolly all evening. Both of us were talking about funny stories at work and stuff like that. At the end of the night, when I was walking her outside (she arrived on a broom). She told me something.

"Do you know what my biggest dream is?"

"No, what is it?"

"To become Animagi" she exclaimed. I gauked at her. That was an extremely difficult task. She explained more, "I've been working at it for 5 years now! I'm going to try the transformation later this week. Would you like to help me?"

"I don't know... I'm not too good at that stuff"

"Why not? What NEWTs do you have?"

"I'm not a wizard!" I exclaimed.

"Are you...a Muggle? That doesn't make sense... How would you...? Wait a second! You're a..."

"I'm a Squib"

"Who cares? I've had a great time tonight. Why should it matter if you're a wizard or not?" she said cheerfully. She had a great time tonight, I thought, I did it right!

"So...Are you coming over tomorrow?"

"Yes" I smiled. She was too nice. So nice, that I've fallen in love with her.

A/N: Argus Filch is too sweet in this. I kind of like him for it, but then I realize that I hate him for everything else.

The cat and the Squib: a love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora