𝟎𝟎𝟎 Prologue

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chapter zero | prologue

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chapter zero | prologue


It had finished, the fiftieth hunger games had just finished, Haymitch boarded the train to go back home to district twelve... to his wife... to his daughter... But things weren't going to play out like he imagined. Little did he know, Snow had already beaten him home. As the train stopped, he looked out and seen the district clapping for him and waving at him, but the people he didn't see was his wife... or his mother... or his brother.

He got a bit sceptical and when he got off the train, he walked home, making his way up the path. As he got to the steps and went to put the key in the keyhole but the door opened... It had been left opened... He walked through the doors, not a light on in the house. "Mom? Issy?" He shouts through the hall. As he walks towards the office, his keys drop to the floor. His eyes widened as he approached the human lying on the floor, it looked to be his mother. He dropped to his knees and felt her face, her skin cold to the touch.

He ran out of the office and up the stairs to Ember's room, collapsing upon the doorframe. "No... no no" Haymitch said, running over to his wife who was lying on the ground as well. Tears filled his eyes as he dropped to the floor and took his wife in his arms. He cradled his wife as tears flowed down his cheeks. When his realization kicked in, he immediately got up and stumbled over to Ember's cot and saw she was okay. He sighed with relief and picked her up, rocking her.

As he took her in his arms, he saw something fall back into the cot. He looked a little closer and saw it was a white rose. His eyes filled with hatred and rage as he picked up the rose and squished it in his hands. he saw a note beside it that read: "We showed your daughter mercy, but don't think that will stop us from killing her later on. C.S" Haymitch scrunched up the note and threw it at the wall as hard as he could. He held his daughter tight as his tears fell onto her forehead. Haymitch wasn't stupid, he knew the Capitol was behind this, that's what the "C.S" was for on the letter that lay in Ember's cot.

He got back down on the ground beside his wife with Ember still in his arms as he spoke softly. "I will get us through this Emmie, I promise..." Haymitch said, rocking his daughter back and fourth.


As Ember got older and saw her father spiral with his alcoholism, she knew she had to go... she had to get out of there. One day, she just left... she fled district twelve with nothing on her but a dagger, her mother's dagger. Ember had left her father a note with not everything she wanted to say on it because she didn't want to hurt him, so she just put in the main details. She knew how hard it was to leave the district so she fled to the woods first, before deciding to stow away in a coal train until it brought her someplace else. And that someplace else was district six. Ember had a lot of adjusting to do for sure but just as long as she wasn't in district twelve, she was happy.

When the selections at the reaping for the sixty seventh hunger games came around again, Ember was selected. On one hand she was thinking she didn't anything to loose, well maybe her life, but on the other hand she was terrified as she'd see her father for the first time in six years.

Ember ended up winning the sixty seventh hunger games and she was somewhat relieved because she finally changed her mind into thinking she didn't leave district twelve for nothing. Her father did watch her every step of the way but was not her mentor and he barely interacted with is daughter in that hunger games, they just acted like strangers to each other... but that's what Ember wanted, she didn't want to be known as "Haymitch's kid" or "The drunken mentor's kid". She wanted to be known as just "Ember". After them games, Ember's nightmares started, finally understanding why her father had hated the capitol so much.

She had nightmares about the games, the people she had killed and their families reaction's to their deaths, and she had nightmares about her mother. She'd finally understood why her father hated that hellhole so much but she just mostly felt guilt and remorse for the people she had to kill to survive... Ember was only seventeen

 Ember was only seventeen

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