Chapter 22

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Rose's pov

When I told Ellie we had the worse taste in people I'd meant it as a joke. But watching Riley right now made it a hundred percent true. Her brown Bambi eyes full of tears. Her head rested in Ellie's shoulders. I sat on my side of the dorm and watched as Riley broke down in front of MY girlfriend.

"I- I thought I was better but my depression has been getting so much worse and I hate myself Ellie. I hate myself for what I did to you."

Different bird, same tune. If only I had the balls to interfere like Ellie did yesterday. I watch Riley, she was really the female version of Ben. I almost felt like laughing and I did. Both turned their head towards me with a frown.

"What's so funny?" Riley raspy voice looks up and she really did look distraught. I was too focused on the fact she was getting her snot on the shirt Ellie had let me wear too many times to feel bad.

"The fact you're here? Don't you have any friends." My tone was sarcastic and Ellie's eyes widened. "Rose."

"What? It's true. Ben came here begging yesterday and you sent him away. Why does she get to stay."

"These are two different things Rose!" My heart aches at the brunette in front of me. Protecting HER of all people.

"Is it really that different?"

"Ellie I just want to talk to you alone for a little. Tell her to leave." Riley looked up slightly in an almost seductive way and I couldn't believe my eyes. Couldn't believe my ears neither cause what Ellie said next set me off.

"Rose...please? It's okay." I could sit here and argue but I'd done that too many times in my last relationship.

"Don't call me." Was all I said before slamming the door behind me shut. A stupid part me expected her to chase me out the door. Beg me to stay and kick Riley out. I even waited for a full minute counting the seconds, she didn't. I took off to Mile's dorm ready to ask her if I could spend the night there. Unfortunately her roommate wasn't comfortable with it and I was left with my only other option.

"I'm so sorry to bother you."

"Oh it's okay, it's been so lonely here. Ever since my roommate graduated it's been pretty quiet. Jesse has been working overtime to fix up the baby's room."

"I can't believe you guys are having a baby." I smile at the thought. The room goes quiet and Dina gives me a certain look. I sigh knowing what she was gonna ask.

"Riley showed up. Crying. Ellie was comforting her and I was uncomfortable with it. I spoke up and practically got kicked out."

Dina shook her head ms sighed. "She's doing it again."

"Doing what again?"

"Riley. As soon as Ellie starts to move on she talks about how shitty her life is and how Ellie is the only one who's helped her trough her depression. I mean don't get me wrong her parents treat her like shit but she's manipulative. When it comes to Ellie she's like a fucking parasite."

Dina ranted on and on about their relationship and the more I listened the more insignificant I felt compared to Riley. They'd be childhood friends. Crushing since middle school finally dated all of high school. Riley had always been a bit toxic according to Dina. In college she got lost in drinking and would constantly ghost Ellie.

Dina looked up from her laptop and noticed I'd been picking at lips. "I'm sorry, I probably should stop now. You don't need to hear this."

"It's fine. I just didn't know they were so involved I mean this is years of being together." Longer than me and Ben and it took me forever to get over him. I sigh and I look up at the ceiling. I hoped with all my heart Ellie wouldn't go back to Riley.

I crashed at Dina's for two straight days. No text from Ellie. I decided to stop being a pussy and confront her but when I opened the room to our dorm she wasn't there. I look at the time. She didn't have classes at this hour. I sighed thinking of the fact she could very well be with Riley right now.

"Guess I'll just wait." I spoke to nobody in particular. Deciding to make use of my time I pulled out my laptop and decided to study. I tried my best to focus but really my mind was consumed by Ellie. Guess she had that effect on me. From the very moment we met she invaded my brain. I watched as the time ticked and ticked. The sun had started to set and shed yet to show up.

Somewhere in between studying and thinking of her I fell asleep on my desk. When I jolted awake I had been typing random nonsense for hours. The jumble of letter now covered pages and pages in my notes.

"Ah fuck." I muttered. I look around the room still empty. I stand up from the desk looking at the time. It was past midnight so might as well sleep. When I walk in the bathroom to brush my teeth I take notice of Ellie's missing toothbrush. My mind starts to race, a million little thoughts rushing in.

I groan and shut the water off. I rush towards Ellie's side of the room and inspect for any more missing items. I pull my phone out and start to text but I find it hard to formulate any words and instead I just find myself writing and deleting the text over and over again.

"Damn it." I bite my lip and slide my phone underneath my pillow. Whatever who needs her anyways. We'd only been together for a months and some time. I could get over her in no time. Just as I'm shit talking her in my brain I hear the dorm room door open. Very quietly but it opened. I shut my eyes tightly pretending to be asleep. After a while Ellie's voice interrupts the silence.

"I know you're not sleeping." Her voice was harsh. Not a good sign.

"We need to talk."

"Do we?" I shoot up sitting up right.

"Yeah we do." The seriousness in my voice makes me go from angry to scared. What was she gonna say?


"I'm gonna be staying with Riley for a few days. She's not doing too well. Problem with the her parents." I look at her in disbelief. I didn't want to be that person, the person that made her choose. Not only because it was giving her an ultimatum but because I knew who she'd choose.

"I'm not really comfortable with that Ellie. She's your ex for gods sake."

"You don't have to be comfortable with it. She was my friend before she was my girlfriend and she needs me." Ellie stood up grabbing her backpack. She opened her drawer and started pulling out clothes.

"So that's it? She just bats her eyelashes your way and you fall for it? Go back to her? For how long? Until she's bored and decides she doesn't wanna hang with you anymore?"

"God you sound just like Dina I don't need this bullshit from both of you." Ellie continues to toss her belongings in her backpack. I'm not standing up, arms crossed in-front of my chest.

"If you leave consider yourself single. I will not tolerate bullshit from anyone." Ellie zips up the backpack and looks up at me. Not a care in the world she just walks out the room. Leaving me behind. Tears form in my eyes and even though the room was dead silent I couldn't feel more loud.

A/N: omg unexpected and uncalled for drama? Also can I just say my smut chapters have the most views 💀 that's too funny to me. SINNERS (Just like me fr)

All the things she said • Ellie WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now