58The final weed

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Part 58The final weed

"Yes, I am angry with you for whatever you did that's why I want to forgive you so that I could scold you shout at you, and beat you for all your blenders..." Bose said with a plain expression...

In no time Shashi ran to him and tried to touch his feet while saying,

"I'm sorry..."

But Boss stopped him from doing that.

"Beat me, Bose... Beat me to death. Yet, my sins will not be forgiven even if I die. I know that. I failed to realize the truth. I trusted her over you. Because of my recklessness, I lost Garima... I lost your friendship... I lost a loyal servant like Rahim... last but not least, I lost my children's trust"

"I am not angry with you for doing blender. I'm angry with you for not analyzingwhether it's right or wrong. You didn't do it at least for once in your life" Bose said with disappointment.

"I did that many times but whenever I thought about it I got angry with you because my mind got stuck with the incident because I thought it was true. If I had doubt and realized my mistake, I would have come searching for you" Shashi admitted the truth.

"How did you think I would have done that?"

"It's because it's a matter of woman. If it was about money, I would not have trusted it..." Shashi said.

I understood in which sense Shashi said that. If it was about a woman, no one could predict men's minds. It would change accordingly. I didn't think he was wrong. I studied somewhere that half of the rapes happened due to the FAVORABLE SITUATION. No one could give a SAINT certificate to anyone in a woman's matter. Maybe Mitra would have known the possibilities. That was why she chose to blame Bose in HER matter instead of taking the LOYALTY issue into her own hands.

"Though I'm highly disappointed with you what you just said is acceptable... it does not mean you are forgiven..." Bose said.

"What do you want me to do to get your forgiveness?"

"Let's not talk about it. TIME will heal any wound"

"I am happy you are by my side now..."

That was when Bose looked at me. I raised my left eyebrow questioningly. Bose raised both of his brows in an answering manner. I smiled with satisfaction. My smile vanished when I saw Khushi noticing me. She looked at me questioningly and I shrugged off my shoulderlike nothing. She shrank her eyes. I am sure she didn't trust my gesture.

Bose looked at Khushi and Akash. He smiled at them. Akash walked to him and touched his feet. Khushi did the same.

"It seems someone has been growing desire to becoming a world-famous chef?" Bose asked smiling at Khushi.

Khushi looked at me and then at Shashi.

"you don't have to worry about your father. He won't be a hindrance to your aim because you have an awesome man as your husband. He will remove all the obstacles from your path" Bose smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Do you ever hear about DIGGING THE OWN GRAVE?" Bose asked Khushi who was silently looking at him.

"Your Maasi did that by bringing Arnav in your life..." Bose laughed.

Khushi looked at me biting her lip, Akash smiled looking at Payal who was smiling brightly.

"Am I right?" Bose asked and Rahim nodded yes.

"She thought she could keep Khushi always useless by making her marry Arnav. That's the biggest mistake of her life... she went back to the place she belonged to... road"

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