23 Program

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Part 23 Program

The next morning

When I woke up, Khushi was drying her hair with a blower, draping the Bhandhini saree given by me. She was looking at me while drying her hair. She waited for me to wake up I suppose. I sat on the bed quickly and looked at the clock. It was 6:30.

"Give me fifteen minutes" I rushed to the washroom.

When I came out, Khushi was fully ready. She left her hair open and the saree single-pleated. A handbag was hanging on her shoulder.

"Take a hair clip," I said.

Khushi looked at me perplexed.

"You will need it and don't leave the saree single-pleated," I said.

Without raising a question, she went to her room frowning and came back following my instructions.

We came downstairs. All the servants saw us bewildered. They spared a glance, seeing Khushi in a simple attire. She was wearing a mangal sutra and earrings with jummka. That matched her saree.

We saw the dining table being arranged with a variety of breakfast items. Poori, Paneer masala, Butter Naan, aloo mutter, Rotti, aloo ka paratha... I wanted to laugh. Khushi ate Aloo Mutter with butter Naan. Khushi coughed when I took BOILED EGGS and stuffed it in my mouth. I passed a glass of water to Khushi. People around us spared a glance, gulping down, seeing me behaving like mad. They would have scolded me for eating boiled eggs for sure. Could not help. I liked annoying them. We left RM after Khushi had breakfast.

I started the car. Khushi was silent all the way. She didn't ask me where I was taking her. I didn't want her to ask me though. I just want to keep it as a surprise.

As we traveled for more than an hour, Khushi looked at her watch and then at me.

"We reached..." I said knowing her mind, looking at the road.

I stopped the car, after reaching the destination. Khushi frowned seeing a SHOOTING setup. A caravan was there before our car.

"Are we here to see shooting?" She asked me.

"It is a cookery show" I just said.

She became excited.

"Cookery show?"

I nodded yes.

"Who is going to cook?"

"Come and see it by yourself," I said and Khushi looked at me weirdly and got out of the car.

I took a bamboo basket from the back seat. It had cashew sweets in it. I bought it the previous day. I gave it to Khushi.

"Keep it"

She nodded ok. That was when the director of the program rushed to me.

"Thank God, you came at the right time... let's go," he said.

Khushi looked at him confusingly as she didn't know why he was in haste. I gestured to Khushi to come with me. She followed me.

The director took us into the caravan. We got in. Khushi became a statue, seeing her favorite Chef. ALAN SMITH in the caravan.

Khushi was standing in shock with wide-open eyes. She could not believe she was standing in front of her favorite Chef.

"Hello, sir..." I shook hands with him.


"She is my wife, Khushi," I said looking at Khushi who was staring at me.

"Oh, is she the one who is a diehard fan of mine?" Alan smiled at Khushi.

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