35 Something something

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Part 35 Something something

I headed to Mini Palace with Khushi. She looked like a kitten to me with a cute pout.

"It seems someone is upset" I looked at her smilingly.

Khushi looked at me and then outside.

"Don't make your face like that, you are looking like a kitten" I laughed.

Khushi dropped her jaw and turned her face opposite to me.

"Shut up, Arnav"

"What's your problem? Do you want me to tell your Massi that you ALSO love me? But how could I tell her that? It's you who should say that... then only she would believe"

She was thoughtful.

"Are you scared?" I asked.

Khushi nodded NO.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded yes again.

"She challenged me, Khushi...! She may do anything to knock me down"

"You will defeat her no matter what she does," She said confidently.

"From when did the PRINCESS start trusting me?"

"I'm not a princess"

"Just because you married to a commoner, how won't you be a Princess?"

"I don't want to be a Princess"

"Then, what do you want to be?"

She murmured something which was inaudible to me.

"You can talk louder. I won't mind if you flatter me"

She chuckled and looked at me.

"You are so awesome"

I smiled.

"Your Massi underlined something..."


"That, you don't like me"

"Haan, so?"

"I think she will plan to separate us"

"She can't"

"How are you so confident?"

"We are not kids but majors. She can't separate as per her wish"

"I'm not talking about LAW. She may find another way"

"Let her try anything... You won't let her win. I didn't expect you would tear her mask like this. She got trapped red-handed. She pretended like having poison with the help of toothpaste..." Khushi laughed.

"She must be angry for the back-to-back flops"

"She deserves it"

We reached the mini palace. After having dinner, we came to our room. I turned the TV on as it was Khushi's SHOW time.

"A lot of events happened today" Khushi sat on the couch.

I nodded yes and pinched her hand.

"Hissss..." She looked at me frowning.

"I don't want you to think, this is a dream" I smiled.

Khushi chuckled. She watched Alan's program. I went to the washroom to change. I came out and sat on the bed. Now, I was going to see what Khushi would do. The program was over. Khushi switched the TV off and stood up.

"Arnav, take the right side" she said.

I moved to the left side. She came to the bed and lay on the left side.

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