"Aaaahhhhh!! Uncle! These people are doubting our relation with each other!!"

As Sumire was crying and screaming, other students starteed to take notice of the commotion going on, and it became evident that if this was not stopped soon, a teacher or someone with authority was going to get involved.

Thinking of this, those three upperclassmen ran away.

"We'll teach you a lesson some other time."

"Yeah, don't you forget about that."

Sumire screamed even louder.

Finally, the upperclassmen were no longer in our line of sight.

Sumire abruptly stopped crying.

Sudou picked up his jaw from where it was hanging.

"What was that? Does your uncle really work here?"

"No way. They were just getting on my nerves."


"Well anyway, we were about to eat our noodles. Ahh... but we have to clean this up first."

I looked down and saw noodles and soup splattered everywhere. As Sumire got the napkins out, Sudou stopped her.

"Hey.. I'll do this. After all, I was the one who threw this on the ground."

"Of course you're gonna clean it up. Did you think I was gonna do this alone? But we'll help."

But I didn't agree to help. Sumire gave me a napkin anyway.

Well, I guess I can do this for the great performance that I got to see today.

We cleaned it up and finally sat down to eat our cup noodles.

"Hey Sumire-san. I am sorry that I let my anger get the best of me and caused trouble for you again."

"Well, it's not like we can do anything about it. These things take time to change. Buuutttt, you also apologized without me telling you to, which is an improvement. So, I'll say that you're going good."

Sudou looked happy at this.

I decided to insert myself into the conversation. After all, I had to try to make friends myself as well.

"Yeah, Sudou. We're friends, aren't we? So we'll help you manage your anger."

Sumire and Sudou both looked at me with astonished eyes.

What? Did I say something wrong?

I don't think so, because Sumire suddenly squealed and hugged me.

"Aaaaahhh! Kiyo-chan, you're improving at such a fast pace. Your social skills are getting better and better. You made a friend by yourself. Aaahh! I'm so excited."

That's true. She looks more excited than I am.

But why is Sudou blushing while looking at me? Don't tell me. Is this his first time making friends as well?

Sudou spoke to me in a gruff and embarrassed voice.

"Yeahh... I'll look forward to it."

"Hahahaha. You both are so cute."

We both turned our heads away from her in embarrassment.

Sumire stood up and stretched.

"Okayy~ Hey Sudou-kun. We are going to eat ice cream, do you wanna come with?"

"No. You guys can go. I have to ask about the clubs in this school."

"Ooohhhh. You're really focused on your goals huh? Nice! Okay then! See you tomorrow, Sudou-kun. Bye-bye~"

"See you tomorrow, Sudou."

"See you tomorrow, both of you."

It feels nice to have friends. Now I have two of them. I am happy.

"Then, shall we go Kiyo-chan?"


"Are you excited to try out ice cream?"

"Yes, I am."

"Do you know about any of the flavors?"

"I've heard that chocolate is a popular one."

"That's true. My favourite is strawberry! It's fine though. We can come here everyday after school and then you can taste every ice cream gradually and decide which one is your favorite, okay?"

"Okay. I think I'd like that."

A/N - Hey guys. I took a break for one week and that's why didn't upload the last two updates. But now I'm back and I am uploading two chapters today. The next one is going to come later today. Enjoy~

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