Family cuddles

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Dr. Cho gets that larger bed in Tony's room and has the team move Tony into it. While this is going on, Pepper has stayed with Peter and snuggling in his bed. He's been asleep but the Dr said not to worry that it's okay. She's just replaying the day over in her head and just makes her sick to think how she could have lost both her boys.

The dr comes back in to check Peter and everything is ok. They help pepper change his diaper and into some pajamas. They then tell pepper they can go to Tony's room. The medical staff roll Peter's bed into Tony's room and help them transfer to Tony's bed.

Tony is asleep at this point and doesn't notice that they are in bed with him. Pepper lays against Tony and has Peter on her other side so he doesn't bump Tony. She drifts off to sleep with both boys and finally has some calm after a very scary day.
The Starks don't know yet but the avengers have very much taken care of the problem. They have updated all necessary protocols between the Starks, shield, and SI. Natasha is posted up outside their hospital room. Clint and Bruce are staying at the mansion to tidy it up and make sure it's ready for them to come home to tomorrow.
The family makes it til about 3am when Peter and Tony both begin to stir. Tony is having a nightmare reliving the events of the day. Then Peter is finally almost over the sedative and is ready to eat. Pepper wakes up to the movement and noises. She places Peter's pacifier in his mouth to calm him for just a minute. She notices that Tony is upset, she gently wakes him and at first he struggles to adjust to his surroundings. Once he realizes where he is he calms down. She helps him get a drink of water and he hasn't noticed Peter in bed with them yet. He settles back into the bed and starts to sift off when he hears Pepper humming. He turns back over to see Peter cuddled against her side with his hands against her chest as he drinks his bottle contently. Tony begins to get teary eyed seeing that Peter really is okay and he's right here. He just watches the two of them as he finishes his bottle. He burps easy for pepper and settles against her chest. He starts to doze off mumbling dada against her chest. Pepper keeps humming to him unaware that Tony is still awake.

She then tells him "momma and dada love you so much baby and we were so worried about you. We love you so so much and I'm so glad you're okay honey. You're okay sweet boy, mommas got you and you're safe. Daddy is right here and he's safe too."

Pepper's voice begins to crack as she hugs him tighter as it all hits how close she was to losing both her boys. At that Tony reaches over grabs her hand that's on Peter's back and just holds it there reminding her that they are all 3 together and safe. The three of them doze off to sleep just like that. When Dr. Cho comes in a few hours later to check on them she takes a picture to send to them later. She forwards it to the avengers letting them know that all is well.

Timeskip to 8am

After the events of the previous day, the stark family is still sleeping. Tony is the first to wake up is relieved to see Pepper and Peter sleeping peacefully next to him. He's feeling pretty good considering what happened but is hoping with a few days rest he'll be good as new. He takes in the moment of peace and is thankful for his team for helping get his boy home. Peter begins to wake up, Tony just watches his boy. As he opens his eyes Peter sees his dada awake and staring at him. He then squeals excitedly to see his dada awake and ok since the last time he seen him was when he was taken. At this noise pepper is now awake and sees why Peter is so excited. He keeps reaching over to Tony but he can't grab him due to his arm so Peter gets upset.

"Hey baby, let's change your diaper and then I'll help you snuggle with dada. He's got a boo boo and can't lift you by himself right now. Just give momma and minute and I'll get you with dada."

Peter huffs in frustration and begins to cry as she changes him still saying dada. Pepper tries to calm him down with little luck, as she's finishing up Natasha returns with a bottle for Peter. Pepper gets him settled safely into Tony's non injured side and that instantly calms him. Tony is able to hold the bottle with his good hand and enjoys the snuggles with his boy. He's so thankful he appears to be okay. After he finishes the bottle pepper takes him from Tony to burp him which solicits more tears and cries for dada. At this time Dr Cho comes in and assessed Tony to see if he can go home or not. His swelling is slowly decreasing and he'll be sore for a few days but she gives him some medication to take home and clears him. Peter was already cleared a few hours prior so whenever they wanted to go they could. Bruce and Clint are there shortly after to help get them home. Bruce helps Tony get dressed and into a wheelchair while Clint helps pepper get Peter ready for the trip home.
Not long later they are back in the mansion with Bruce and Clint. Both agree to stay out of the way but offer any assistance with Peter or anything. The family gets settled into the master suite and Peter's cot is moved to Tony's size of the bed so he can see his dada.
The family is spending the afternoon watching movies and snuggling. Pepper answers emails about SI while Tony and Peter snuggle together.  Once they are finally getting hungry Bruce and Clint surprise them with a late lunch in bed. Clint offers to take Peter to feed him and Peter actually goes with Clint. It finally gives pepper and Tony a chance to talk about everything.  (Skipping their talk)
While they talk, Clint has Peter out in the kitchen in his high chair/eating seat. Since Peter has improved his head control it's not as big as a mess but Clint let him do a few bites on his own and that made a mess. Clint takes a picture of a messy but happy Peter. He's squealing with laughter and keeps trying to feed Clint the spoon.

After a few more bites Peter begins refusing bites and babbling signaling he's done. He then starts yelling dada over and over. He's not crying just yelling loudly while Clint cleans him up. He strips him down to just his diaper and places him in his walker while Clint tidies up the kitchen.  It takes a few minutes for Clint to clean up since his chair isn't the easiest thing to clean.  Peter is roaming around in the walker and mumbling "dada" he still isn't upset but mad he hasn't found him. He continues to go down the hallway towards the bedrooms. He gets scared since he's alone but hears his mama and dada's voice so he does that way. The door is shut so he just keeps running his walker into the door. After a few times he hears mamas voice get closer and open the door. Once she opens the door Peter begins babbling incoherently until spotting Tony on the bed and yelling "dada" as loud as possible. Pepper bends over to pick him up and notices his clothes are gone.

Just as pepper was grabbing him from the walker Clint comes running from the hallway out of breath explaining the situation and he can't find Peter. At that Peter starts saying "lint" and giggling at him. Clint finally puts two and two together and tickles Peter for leaving him and he squeals "lint" more and more.  Clint makes sure they are good and then heads back to his private area.
"Alright messy boy let's go get you washed up. He goes with her without issue til he's in the bathroom without dada and the water turns on. Pepper knows he can't shower or bathe on his own without any shower seats so she strips down and then strips him down then puts a swim diaper on him. Once the tub is ready she settles into it with Peter in her arms. He's not happy but not crying either. He realizes pepper doesn't have her shirt on so he settles against her chest and dry nurses. While he's doing that, Tony comes in to check on them. He's moving pretty good just sore from the fall to the ground. Peter is very happy to see his dada up. He begins babbling at Tony and reaching for him before breaking the latch with Pepper.

Pepper finishes up washing him and gets ready to get out. Tony isn't able to hold him so he helps pepper step out of the tub. They tag team getting him dried off and dressed. Then pepper helps Tony settle down to hold him while she dresses. Peter remains calm with Tony and isn't scared of the cast or scratches on his face. He's just glad his dada is okay and here to snuggle him.

AN: thinking about wrapping it up. Not a lot of views

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