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it has been a month since the chamber accident everything was ok. I was happy and sitting in the room of requirement to relax when I hear a knock.. I groaned getting up and opening the door "what now.." I see the professors
"nope not doing this" I go to close the door but Severus stops it "I have stuff to get to professors."
Snape said "we want to know why there are memories blocked in our mind."
"U saw some stuff I can't reveal still fourth year. I can give u back the memories if u don't ask questions."
They nod and I let them in "reevaluate" I whisper in the direction they all were then they passed out I silently ask the room for four beds and pick them up placing them on their beds
i sighed softly before sitting down beside Minnie and holding her hand as I worked I start booking flights and whisper calls to my friends mothers and fathers asking for permission To take them for the day I had asked Arthur for the twins and Ginny permission he gladly agreeded I would also visit Charlie and bill since they needed some rune work done so after all the calls I hear the professors waking up I sigh asking for hangover potions from the room four appear on the bed with food
"good evening professors.. there are potions for ur headache which I am sure u have since we all had the same reaction after removing the blocked memories and there is food for u considering the memories will make u hungry. U welcome." I say mindlessly then the door opens again "Ahaha! Neville perfect timing come in" I say Neville enters with the rest of the 2nd 3rd and fourth year Gryffindors. Susan behind him with the puffs And Draco with the snakes Hannah was also here. The ravens were standing with Luna after I threatened them
"good evening students!" I greeted as I twirl my wand closing my laptop and placing it away
ronald spoke "u said we wanted to meet why are the filithy snakes here?" I roll my eyes "if u knew a thing about damn snakes Weasley. U would know they take great care on keeping clean and are Not Dirty or slimy or whatever the myths come up these days. We are here because the professors signed the forms for me to do a dueling club"
as I say this my mirror glows I sigh Opening it up
remus's face appeared and he says "it's Andy."
"what's wrong?" I say quickly he spoke "Ted found her.. she isn't hurt because we were there but she is traumatised now. Can u sing a song?" I nodded gesturing for everyone else to sit down I start singing "now it's been long enough to talk about it.. wrap our heads around it,, I remember u told me u were with me.. everywhere.. With my double vision.. Haven't I given enough? Given enough? Given enough?.. haven't I given enough? All the people.. I lost.." as I say this my magic shows faces
my parents
my cousins
"haven't I given enough.."
I change the song "take it. If she gives her heart don't u dare break.. it it's the best thing u will ever have.. she always had problems falling asleep.." I chuckled
"she likes pop songs and Bad trash tv.. she loves Babies and Love notes.. she had a hard time accepting a good conversation"
"so if she's the one u let in. Take it Don't u dare break it. Let ur arms be the safe place.."
"days that It feels like the world is crashing.. standing side by side.. she would love u if u like her like that.."
"Run ur hands with her hair.. tell her over and over so she wouldn't Forget. So if she gives u her heart don't u dare break it! Days that feel like the world is crashing.. she is the best thing she will ever have." I smile softly as I see Andy's face on rabastan's Lap Remus having gotten up to make tea
So I change up the song "she's more then just a pretty face.. a late night bar.. more then a pair of tight jeans.. one stand. Remember Boy u won't be the first to hold her hand. Remember she's somebody's daughter.. she's somebody's whole world and if u don't treat her right her heart won't be the only one she's breaking.. her daddy bought her first wand. Taught her magic.. her mama wiped her tears away.. from her first heartbreak.. she is somebody's daughter.. she's somebody's daughter even if she's moved out and grown up. She is somebody's baby.. she has a picture on the fireplace braids blowing in the wind.. driving off to hogwarts.. yeah she's a daddy girls.. she is somebody's daughter.. she is somebody's whole world.. and somebody's baby so if u don't treat her right her heart won't be the only one u are breaking.." the song trails and rabastan and Andy was asleep I smile softly "mirror disconnect.." I whisper softly as the mirror disconnects I close it and I sigh "we can meet tomorrow.." the students exit and I exit with them the professors following me as I lock it up
it was my birthday today.. which meant I was now offically 12.. god it's been 12 years without my parents
i walk to the great hall
i start singing "today I saw a photo.. saw the smile on ur faces.. I knew everything would be ok.. when I need u.. u would be outside.. I still think u left too soon.. but heaven is lucky to have you.. so was I.. and I sure hope we make ya proud.. Well u looking at us from up their on the seat in the house.. when I need u u would be outside my window.. feel ur arms wrap around me.. I still think u left too soon. But I am thankful for ur time.. the gods know how much I miss u.. heaven is lucky to have u.. and so was I.." Draco pulls me into him and says "happy birthday Evie.."
I smile sadly at them
"Nevile I phoned ur Gran earlier" I say after I walked to the Gryffindor table he says "why?"
"Its a surpriseee. Twins and Ginny ur father will fill u in" I nod to the three weasleys
I wrap my hands around me as I felt a piece of magic.. And I knew thantos had arrived with my parents..
I see other students feeling the change as Thanatos entered I wave my professors away
Thantos said "happy birthday" he bows
I curstied "thank u.. Tell dad and mom I miss them for me?" he nods and says "Always and forever"
"We will meet again my fire.." I repeat instinctively and the shadow smiled at me.. I smile sadly tears in my eyes but I don't let them fall.
Thanos said "ur father will want to meet u when u get to camp u are aware correct?"
"Yes im aware.. glad my friends are coming so we can best his ass" I smirked and he laughs and said "u haven't told them yet?" I shake my head "can't.. At least not right now.."
He nods in understanding before disappearing I felt the magic leave and sighed softly
I glance at my table and wasn't hungry anymore..
I head to the Twins "can I borrow the marauders map?" they nod shocked I knew about it Fred pulls it out and I pull my wand out "I solemly swear im up to No good" I tapped it
I jumped as a light appears the hall darkens I instinctively work my magic around lighting it up then I see a screen..
I pull the professors close my friends stand with me
The screen turns on and I hear a voice.. We all heard it
"Hello prongslett.. If u are watching this it means u are turning 12.. And we aren't there. I'm so sorry we are not there to raise u. But trust ur instincts my Doe."
I froze. "Dad.." I mutter my heartbreaking
I hear my mother speak "hello Eve! There is so much I wish to tell u. Please do not date a cousin or something. Marry who u want we will watch proud from the seats."
I smile sadly as she speaks "uncle Reggie is here too so I'll let him step up" I froze., reggie
I hear his voice "hello my darling.. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to raise u but I know we will be proud of U no matter what., do me a favour and get Andromeda out of her marriage yeah? I ship her and rabastan Alot. I'm gonna assume Dragon is there too" I held draco's hand
As he speaks "I know ur father Draco is probably toxic and wouldn't tell u this but Ur mother and Aunts and uncles and myself are so proud of u.. Both of u"
I pull the Twins closer as I hear gideon's voice "hello My Doe! If u are reading this me and ur family are dead., I sure hope the Twins are with u. Listen twins. Do whatever u must but Get away from Molly prewett. Do not trust her. U are a prewett. Do not let anyone hurt u."
I smile sadly as I hear marlene's voice say "hello Evie. I'm aunty Marlene im so sorry we didn't get to meet before u were born.. But voldyshorts Killed us.. If my daughter makes it.. Tell her im proud of her will u?" I smile sadly and see Ginny tears well in my eyes
Then I hear the voice of Arthur..
He spoke "hello my princess.."
I grip my necklace tight as I hear his voice
He spoke again "hello my darling im so sorry im not there.. But make Hogwarts proud. U are magic. Do not hold back.. I'm sure the knights are already back my resuscitation will take a bit longer since ur death" I chuckle softly
"Since ur death Refuses to let me raise still I meet my mother.. God he's controlling u know that?"
"Yes Arth.. Of course I do.." I say in response
He speaks "Now remember who raised u. Do not let that old Hoot in. Trust ur friends they will guide u.. As they always have. And do not fret ur family know about us.
For now we will meet again"
"We go reunited in life as we do in death we will meet again my prince.." I say instinctively
Then another voice spoke.. "is this thing on?"
"Yes its on" I replied and she speaks again "ok great! Hi mom!" I tilt my head
"Hi mom! Hi aunty Minnie Hi uncle snape Hi uncle flitwick Hi aunty sprout! Now I am assuming u are 12 again. God it gets annoying doesn't it? Anywho! I'm ur daughter. No Arthur isn't my father.. Tho he's awesome. My name is Pluto Sirius Remus Lily Minnie Black-potter." I tilt my head
"Anywho u must be wondering who my father is? Well im named after grandpa if u cant tell. Get in contact with him yeah?" I smile sadly
She spoke again "anyway my father is *BLEEEEEPP*"
I sigh "guess I can't know.." I muttered softly and lean against the twins
She speaks again "anyway im not gonna talk about much longer but Please, please. Please. Please. Please. Keep ur friends close.. Anyway im passing this onto the next girl!"
I froze as Druella came into view..
She speaks "hello my granddaughter.. We are all so proud of u. And draco.. And Marlene's daughter we all know she is watching don't worry we won't spoil it. Do me a favour yeah?" I reply softly "of course grandma.."
she speaks again after I answer "Trust ur gut. If u want to fly do it. Please do not visit Grimaldi palace that place is a mess and is filled with darkness. Go to the black manour if my daughters aren't living there if not go to potter manour or ur own cottage. We are so proud of u.."
I grip my friends hands
I see Gideon come into view and then Gwen.. And.. Father..
Gideon spoke first "my twin has already spoken but I won't repeat what he said do not worry. Now Evageline Potter u listen closely." my eyes widened at my full name and I nods after I nod he speaks again "Take ur friends to do IT. No not It it. But do the test I beg. U may find secrets that u don't know about. Anyway passing this to Gwen."
Gwen speaks "hello Evie.. God there's so much I wish to tell u.. Do not worry about me we are fine and well. the castle is ready for ur return my princess."
I froze then whistle a Phoenix came in "Can u take this to the goblins?" I asked passing the note the Phoenix nods and left Gwen continued to speak "now do not let Dumble in ok? U can not trust him. Trust ur closet friends. I assume they are with u now then. Hi Ginny Hi George Fred Hi draco Hannah Susan and Hi nevile"
I tighten my grip as she speaks "we miss u a lot and we hope to rise again we will fight with u My Queen.. For now the pendragon legendary lives on."
I prepare myself as she says "we will meet again my dragon"
"For now we go reunited in life as we do in death. we will meet again my Flower" I say softly and then father comes up he speaks "so Hi.. I'm ur father too. Don't mind me this is very confusing. Hi darling im hoping someone didn't leave u with the dursleys because they will respectfully rot. U are Evangeline Persephone Potter. Do remember that. Call out my name or my sister names if u wish for help. And do get a grip on your powers im gonna assume that I'm not in ur life since my horrid brother would of had a ban on that. Trust Poseidon and His wife. We will meet soon my goddess" I smile sadly as he goes off screen then Alice and Frank step up.. I froze nevile tenses and I pull him closer my other friends stepping back clearly knowing we needed each other right now he hugs me tightly Alice spoke "hello my favourite goddaughter. And assuming nevile is there too hello my son. If u are seeing this we have either died or been put under the crucitaurus Curse." I shudder at the name as Alice spoke again "lets make this clear very quickly. At no point of time is Our son to go to His grandmother. She is a amazing women but her family is a bit.. Odd. We should know after all. Anyway Happy birthday to Evegeline And Nevile? We are so proud of u. Evie I know u are probably working on the potion to bring us back. There's a hint rose petals." I nodded writing it down quickly in my book Frank now steps up "hello evegeline and Nevile im sure we didn't have time to prepare a portrait for us but I know there is one of our ancestors in the longbottom manour. Neville go claim ur lordship I given u permission go claim it and lock Augusta out. U can stay with her if u like but I know u didn't display accidental magic much therefore my cousin may have dropped u. Evie please look after our son And we will meet again soon." I hug nevile as he starts crying I pulled him in closer
Then I look at the tv and a face no one recognized except me appears n says "Hello my queen."
"Morgana.." I whisper sadly and she speaks "listen to me evegeline I knew u were special and my sister turned me against all of u.. I'm so sorry my queen do not fret we will rise again. The legacy will live on"
I let out a broken sob
And then 4 more faces appear
I hurriedly straighten out realising who they were I raise my hand in a salute nevile realised who they were and did the same I was in perfect stance and the male spoke "hello for people who don't know who I am. I am captain Tom Slytherin yes I am a Slytherin heir but no longer hold the lordship. I was a Army veteran for 29 years from the age of 15 after the World War. Now Evangeline assuming you will be like newt I have left u many valuables in our Vault. Now remember. Trust who u wish let ur enemies go. Do not trust them if they stole from u. Now im gonna assume Ginny is there so Hello Ginny. I won't be able to tell u much since u guys are in public but Evangeline knows what to do. First of most I disowned Ronald when we found out. Do not worry he can't hear this since it's for ur friends" I smile softly the others speak about their journey then they all appear together. I take note that Lily and James and Reggie were next to each other Hades stood with Persephone they say "mischief managed., we will meet again., for now.. Hogwarts protect her." I salute as did nevile the magic swirls around us as we say "mischief managed." then the screen goes dark and then disappers
I let out another sob
Then my magic reacts
Neville and I fall to the ground sobbing
"Ahem.. Professor Snape.." I say softly after I calm my brother and then put my pure blood mask in place he turns to me and says "yes miss Potter?"
"Can I borrow ur lab please oh actually nevermind."
"Hogwarts can you?" the great hall was transformed into the lab everyone was there..
The tables still there with food
"Thank u hogwarts" I say softly and nevile stood aside as I prepare my ingredients I slap ronald's hand away and sneered "do not touch u birdbrain! This is a very important potion." I snap at him and Ginny harshly pulls him away from me the professors sensing my mood stayed away as did the other students my friends sat at the table I was near as I make my potion I mutter a patronus spell and it flies out after I send it to grab Alice and Frank with their healer team not nevile's grandmother though I then call a house elf to grab Ted who I knew was under crucio so he was bought here
I sneered at the male before pouring the potion to test it.. he awakens and I knew it worked. I put him asleep and then gave instructions in Italian to My houseelf who teleports away

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