Whatever had touched him a few minutes ago, has left a burning sensation on his skin. There was fear in the proffesor's eyes .

What did the touch do to him?
As he could not see his back directly, he tried to rub his fingers of what seemed to be small rough dots over his skin on the back, and understand the nature of the wound.

What kind of touch leaves such a wound?

With some effort, professor Sean manages to get himself up.
Back in his hand, tightly gripped, was the holy cross. Even if it did not work, it had atleast made the demoness leave for the time being.

He could still hear the faint sound of sobbing, somewhere far from him in the darkness. Professor Sean, now knew he needs to find that girl. Who is she?

Was this a mirage? Is the demoness trying to play with his subconscious mind somehow?

Was he really alone in this abyss, or were there others, many more, who were caged in this miserable world of the demoness?

For once, professor Sean knew he needs to reach that girl, if she is not just a mirage, she might hold many secrets which will help him unravel the dangers that lie in this place.

And above all understand, what this place was and how he could escape from here.

So professor Sean, with his back still burning from that touch, two tired eyes, wincing in discomfort and a shirt drenched of sweat, began moving forward, with the holy cross pointed up in the air like a handgun.


The First shock to Amelia and Farhan, adding salt to their wounds, was the news of Professor Sean's dissappearance.

The first time they were told about it, they just simply refused to believe it, with teary eyes Amelia had pleaded

"Tell me Rexi, this is not true, Tell Me!!"

Miss Ruth, then however took charge in consoling Amelia and in explaining the circumstances in which professor Sean went missing.

Everyone was stunned.
Now, they knew, they had no way to leave this place without rescuing professor Sean from whatever devil that had made its nest here.

Amelia Narrated to Miss Ruth about the chase with the demoness last who seemed to be in utter shock and disbelief with what she heard.

Zani, mostly keeping quiet also seemed very clueless as to what kind of evil force could it be and what could be the things she is after.

Rexi in turn narrated how they had found the villager Mr. Riemer nearly lifeless in the lodging backyard.
She continued, how they had cured him with the help of Vervain leaves.

"Yes....and then he along with some other villagers, went missing over the night." Zani added.

"Considering the distance of our lodgings from the castle, how did he get attacked so far away? And why him?" She threw the question, trying to find her own answers.

"Remember Rexi, he was returning to the village from the direction of the castle, so he may have got attacked while he was passing the castle grounds." Zani tried to predict and recreate the circumstances.

"Whatever this demoness or evil force, it is increasing its power and foothold on Moosham every passing minute." Amelia spoke with a very grave seriousness.

"We all must warn the administration and the villagers against this looming threat."

The ghastly sight of the mutilated security guards on the floor sent chills through the spine of all of them.

What on earth could be capable of such harrowing destruction in just one mere night in this castle.

How has this demoness, in just one night, if not a single week, become so powerful.
Where was it hiding all along.

They need to find the dark mysteries inside this castle, the mysteries which has led to the appearance of this being.
But will they, four students and Miss Ruth suffice?

"We must call in the police to help deal with the situation here" Rexi shouted.

"Not a bad idea, we may not be the right people to deal with what is going on here" saying this Farhan ran towards the castle gates.

What happened next, made everyone shudder in fear.

As soon as Farhan took the first step at the gate in order to leave the premises, an invisible, with what seemed to be a force out of no where, pushed him back violently, which sent sent Farhan flying to the grass a metre or two away.

Farhan landed with a loud thud over the grass, his eyes wincing in sudden shock and pain he seemed to have been on the recieving end of.

"Oh my fucking god!" Rexi sprinted towards Farhan, Zani and Miss Ruth followed.

Amelia stood there, her eyes wide in bafflement of what had just taken place.

Where did this invisible barrier come from? Clearly it was not there a few hours ago as Zani and Rexi must have arrived through that same gate.

Was there even such dark magic at play here, what has they all got entangled in?

What is the history of all this, where did there dark forces originate from?

And above all, why was it so interested in them??

Was it the work of that demoness, who wanted to cage her prey for the night to fall upon them.
Amelia's heart trembled at this thought.

Was it really what she was fearing?

Were they trapped here now? In this castle, in this cruel game with a devious force that shall consume them by hook or crook.

Helpless and clueless, Amelia stood there with no way in sight to flee what seemed to have become their worst nightmare.

LACUNA OBSCURA | A Horror Thriller | ✔Where stories live. Discover now