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"Wait, I don't get it" Logan said. "Why don't you have to go to court?"

"He signed away his rights as Henry's father" Rory said. "It's not like I'm a mother denying a father access to his child. I'm a mother denying my ex boyfriend access to my child. Judge doesn't give a crap whose DNA he has. He cares that Isaac signed a legal document stating that he doesn't want to be Henry's father"

"That's good, then"

"Yes" Rory said.

"Good" Logan said. "Now, I hate to bring it up again, but Finn needs an answer today. No pressure. If you don't wanna go that's fine, and if you don't want me to go that's fine too, but I do need to let Finn know". His friends were all going away for a weekend. He'd already arranged for his parents to watch Sage, and he wanted Rory to go with him although he fully understood if she didn't want to. The trip wasn't until the beginning of September (it was now July) but they wanted to organize everything in advance.

"I'm gonna go" Rory said. "My mom said she'd watch Henry"



One day in August, Logan had to work late so Rory picked up both kids from daycare and brought them home. When he got home, the kids were already asleep which was good because Rory really needed to talk to him about something.

Logan got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom to see Rory sitting on the edge of their bed. "Have you just been sitting there the entire time I was in the shower?"

"I have to tell you something" Rory said. She was super nervous about how Logan would react to what she had to say. They'd only been together for a year, and this was life changing news.

"What's going on?"

Rory to a deep breath. "Logan, I'm pregnant"


"I'm pregnant" Rory said again.

"Wow" Logan exhaled. " That' I mean...are you sure?"

"Doctor confirmed it" Rory said. When she realized that she might be pregnant, she immediately made a doctors appointment. She'd gotten a negative result from a home pregnancy test when she was pregnant with Henry, so she didn't even bother. She figured that having a doctor confirm it would be best. "8 weeks"

"Wow. That'"

"Logan, I'm begging you to use any other word"

"Is this...are we happy about this?"

"I'm not sure" Rory said. They'd discussed getting married and possibly having another kid, but they didn't think it'd happen that early, and Rory honestly thought she'd get married before she'd let herself get pregnant again. "I mean, I know we talked about another baby, but not now"

Logan nodded. "Look, it's unexpected, that's for sure, but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing" he said. "I love you, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I know that we probably would've had another baby at some point anyway. So yeah, we weren't expecting it, but I think it could be good. You, me, Sage and Henry, little baby whatever it'll be. It'll be nice"

"So you're not upset?"

"No" Logan said. "Are you?"

"I don't think so"

Logan thought for a second. "I think we should get married" he said.

"I don't wanna get married just because I'm pregnant" Rory said. She did want to marry Logan, but she didn't want it to be because she was pregnant.

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