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Changbin:“so what is the plan?”

He asked after Chan had calmed down and stopped crying because the members never failed to comfort him.

Chan:“there's no plan, we go there, beat up Mr.Kang, save Felix and Hyunjin and we'll take him with us”

He can't have Mr.Hang between his arms and broke him to pieces just like he broke him in the past years.

Seungmin:“the address he sends is on the highway out of the city”

He tracked the address and it seems like it used to be a territory back then but it got abandoned 8 years ago and the only thing that left was the shed when they used to be a car fixing area.

Minho:“he knows about our alliance with the cops and he won't risk getting caught by them”

True, after Mr.Kang heard about the alliance of the gang and the cops and that made him think that the gang has the ability to control the police force.

Jeongin:“I'll shoot him right on the head when I see him”

He tightened his fist thinking of so many possibilities how he would deal with the gang's worst enemy, but the elder calmed him down by putting his hands on top of his fist and lowering it.

Chan:“you can kill him yet, I need him to take the company from him first”

Then jisung turned to Minho who still didn't get healed from the previous mission.

Jisung:“you're not healed completely yet, hyung, I'm worried about you”

He was concerned about his boyfriend's health who only smiled and patted his hair.

Minho:“don't worry, I am going to be fine”

Seungmin put on a sad smile on seeing those two being in good terms, he let that slide and focus on what matters now.

Seungmin:“don't worry guys, we're here for each other and we'll protect our back together”

He encouraged Changbin and Jeongin to look at him with wide eyes not believing what just came out from Seungmin's mouth.

Changbin:“I never expected him to say that”

He said still looking at Seungmin with wide eyes which Jeongin nodded to his sentence.

Jeongin:“yeah, Seungmin you changed”

Chan stepped up to speak for Seungmin because it looks like the hacker made a lot of courage to say those words but got embarrassed when it brought Jeongin and Changbin attention.

Chan:“isn't that a good thing?”

Minho nodded to what Chan said while looking at Seungmin with a warm smile.

Minho:“we all changed in this journey”

He said still looking at Seungmin whose heart melts apon seeing his hyung smiling at him like that.

Jisung:“is it gonna end after we beat Mr.Kang?”

He said putting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, assuming that this is going to be their last chapter of this journey.

Chan:“the end of what?”

He asked not to get what jisung meant.

Jisung:“the end of us”

Minho:“you never know what the meaning of a gang is...don't you, sweetie?”

Jisung looked at him curious eyes which led Minho to chuckle at him.

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