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coastal cottage
a spirit surfs
the architecture

I love homes, they are so unique and different everywhere. I wish I had one of my own. A place for my spirit to surf afterwards. Even if only on a bookshelf. I want so badly to haunt this life with something I've left behind.

summer carnival
bearded old man tossing rings
a secret santa

This haiku really takes me back. I hope one day I can play Santa when I'm older. I've never had a jolly build though. I'm drawn to men who try to look like him intentionally. It's a good feeling.

Grandfathers Oxford shoes, bold steps

Entering a house in Japan you spy grandfather's shoes. Shoes say so much about a man. I always have shoes that make me proud and feel good. I'm taking my own bold foot steps leaving foot prints no one's seen before. Even if I'm disinherited. I build my own family, I am my own aspirational grandfather and someday maybe a real grandfather to someone who is proud of their family because I boldly stepped.

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