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It's Friday.

Harry's supposed to be dead by 3, which is in 10 minutes. I've cried, screamed, and banged on the bars. Edward has ignored me, just letting me suffer. I'm sitting on the floor right by the bars grabbing onto them.

"Please Edward, just let me watch. I need to say goodbye. I need to say bye to my Harry," I say crying. He doesn't reply. I hear the basement door open and my mom is soon standing in front of my cell. "Mom please, need to see him."

"Louis," my mom says while opening the cell door. "Listen to me," she says while joining me on the floor, she left the cell door open. I look at her and try to stop crying so I can listen to her. "I'm letting you out. Harry's already at the execution spot. Do what you think is best, I know you will."

"Thank you," I say kissing her cheek before quickly running out of the cell. I rush up the stairs. I can hear the commotion outside as soon as I'm upstairs. I run out the door that leads to the execution spot.

There's a sea of people. I try getting through and most people let me. The king is no where to be seen. Usually he doesn't come to these, probably too guilty to watch the people he's putting to death actually die. I can't even see the wooden platform from where I'm standing.

I spot Anne and Gemma, but going over by them is not anything I'm worried about right now. I need to find out where Harry is. I can't tell if he's up there yet or not. They never start executions early, and it's 3 minutes to 3.

Finally I see him. There's about 3 guards and him up on the platform. The executioner, Ryan, is getting the sword ready. I try to push through people, but it's almost impossible. I'm starting to get frustrated and I look up at the clock to see there's only 2 minutes left.

"Let me through," I yell out as I manage to get closer to the platform. Once I eventually push through everyone I jump up onto the wooden platform. Harry is knelt down and Ryan is about to pickup the sword to behead him. "Stop," I yell at everyone looks at me. There's probably 200 pairs of eyes on me as I walk over to Harry.

"Louis, how'd you get out?" Harry asks. I kneel down beside him and start to unstrap his arms from the piece of wood.

"My mom," I reply and look at Ryan. "Don't do it."

"Prince Louis, I have no choice the king-"

"Isn't here, but I am. Listen to me, put the sword down," I interrupt Ryan. Ryan puts the sword down and backs away from Harry. This is the first time I've really used my royal authority. I look out into the crowd and see everyone whispering and looking confused. I stand up once I fully unstrap Harry. I look at the crowd and everyone is staring at me. Ryan, Harry, and the two other guards are all also looking at me, but I can only look back at Harry. Harry is still sitting on the floor as I stand in front of him. Harry and I are staring at each other and he looks scared, confused, and relieved.

"You have to say something," I hear the guard Micheal say. I don't turn to him, I just keep eye contact with Harry. Harry looks over at Micheal, then back to me.

"You do have to say something princess, I know it's scary, but everything will be okay. There's a lot more people on your side than you think," Harry says and I turn my head to the crowd.

"I can't," I reply turning back to Harry.

"Yes you can, I know you can," Harry says and I take a deep breath. I turn my whole body to face the crowd. I turn my head back to Harry and he smiles at me nodding.

"Um, hi. I'm sure most of you know who I am, but if you don't I'm prince Louis, son of the king and queen," I start and turn my head back to Harry when I feel nervous.

"You're okay," he says and I go back to facing the crowd.

"Many of you probably know why this execution was going to take place today, but you don't know the backstory. The king as you all know is trying to kill gays, other religions, and people of color. That's why this execution was going to take place, this man is gay. Um, but," I stop and don't know what to say. I don't know how to put into words the truth.

"Prince Louis, you need to hurry this up, the execution still has to-"

"No, there isn't one anymore," I interrupt Ryan looking at him before looking out at the sea of people again. "The king has tried to rape his son while claiming he hates gay people. That's how this whole thing came to be. Harry, I mean this man, came in and defended me from the king. The only evil person here is the king. And I um," I stop and everyone keeps staring at me. "I don't know what else to say."

Everyone starts to whisper, and I don't think anyone believes what I'm saying. I don't even bother to look at anyone behind me as I keep staring at the crowd.

"Let him go," I hear a voice say and turn around to see Michael talking to Ryan. "If what the prince is saying is true I'm not following any more of the kings orders." 

"Yeah, same," Ryan says taking off the executioner mask. "I'm sorry sir," Ryan says turning to me. "You're free to go," he says to Harry. Harry stands up, but doesn't move.

"Where's the king?" A voice shouts from the crowd.

"I'm not sure," I reply.  

"Cmon Lou," Harry says and I feel him grabbing my arm. "We need to get out of here."

"Why?" I ask.

"The king-"

"Won't do anything. He can't do anything anymore, the guards won't listen to him. Harry the king isn't a threat anymore," I say to him pulling my arm back, knowing that this time it's the right thing to do. "Stay."

"No, Louis I can't," he replies.

"Please Harry trust me," I grab his hands and stare at his eyes.

"Louis, you don't understand," Harry says. "You weren't ever going to die from this. I love you, but this is our final goodbye, I can't risk it. Just know that you were everything to me. I wish you the best of luck. Be strong for me, okay? I have to leave Louis, goodbye." He lets go of my hands and kisses the top of my head. He turns and runs to the stairs of the platform.

"Harry wait-" I try getting out, but he's gone. I know the guards took his phone, so I won't be able to text him.

"Cmon Louis, let's get you inside. We'll figure out what to do tomorrow. The king won't be ruling any longer," Micheal says. I try to feel relief, but I can't. I did all this just so I wouldn't lose Harry, but I still did. He's still alive out there, but he's gone now. Maybe it's for the best. Even though I'll never find that kind of love again, he deserves better.

When I ruled the world ~ LARRY STYLINSON Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ