Grocery shopping

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Ah me time, the only time I can do whatever I want, I love when it's just me, myself and I and no one else. But this chapter isn't going to be about me time unfortunately.


"Sweetie come on I don't have all day!!" My mom yelled
I quickly put on my hoodie and baggy jeans, "coming!!!" I yelled almost tripping down the stairs, I grab my boots and jumped into the car.

"Ugh you didn't fix your hair" my mom sighed softly moving my hair back
"It's fine it's a messy bun" I say, "okay, don't hiding behind me when you see someone you know at Walmart" my mom smiles

Going to the Walmart is one of my favorite places to go, cause you'll never know what to expect, it's like a mini circus if you now were to look, other people like target and yes I agree that target is superior but you'll never find good quality stuff like this anywhere else but Walmart, and foremost I will never leave Walmart empty handed because I always get a snack or plushie.


"We're here!!" My mom sung in a jangle, I quickly jumped out the car almost tripping over my pants, "come on mom" I say quickly moving towards the entrance, "okay give me a minute" my mom says taking out her phone
"Hello?" My mom said, I looked back at her with my eyebrow raised
"Your at target?" She says, who the hell is she talking to? I wonder as I walked towards her, "okay be there in a minute" my mom says hanging up the phone.

"Changed of course sweetie, we're going to target" my mom says doing jazz hands, "uhh what..why?" I said with a little irritation in my voice
"Umm well Miranda was out going to get groceries just like us and she wanted to see if we could do it together" my mom chuckled nervously

"Okay" I sighed, slowly walking back to the passenger seat
"It's still gonna be fun and guess what let's get that big soft elephant plushie you've been begging for" she says moving my hair to the side, I look at her and slightly nod at her as she starts the engine.


As we arrive at target, my mom called Miranda "hello, yeah we're outside target are you already inside?.....okay we'll see you in there" my mom hung up her phone and headed out the car, I slowly walked out and followed behind her, as we got inside, the place was so bland and quiet "sweetie I'm going to be in the kitchen aisle, can you grab a basket and go to the dry foods and I'll meet you there" she says walking backwards, I give her a thumbs up and grab the cart.

Sigh I can give target credit for being superior but I prefer Walmart better, it's not like I'm a hater or anything but it's just so bland. Nothing happens in target, as I walk around the food aisle I felt something hit my head it wasn't big or heavy, It was just a little small thing I turned around to see who's throwing shit but I couldn't see anybody, so I walked deeper into the aisle and again I felt something hit the back of my head I look around to see nobody again
"Okay who's fucking with me" I yelled

I hear giggles and laughs and I run down the aisle To see the twins laughing their asses off, I could help with blush. They are literally laughing at me.
" What are you doing here? I thought your mom was the only person who was coming" I said

" Well, we didn't wanna, but she made us come" mark says
"She always want us to go outside or help her with stuff" Jamie sighs
Why are you here? The twins said

" I am here with my mom grocery shopping just like you guys" I chuckled nervously

"Ugh so boring that our parents always drag us into something that we never wanted to do" mark says

"I think we should have some fun in target today don't you think?" The twins say

"Ummm..let..let me give the cart to my mom before I do anything I'll be right back" I say speed walking to the kitchen aisle, I see my mom happily, I start riding the cart towards her, I mean, I enjoy the twins time but they just seem out of my league I don't do extreme things like what they do, I'm just some old lady trapped in a teenage body.

As I ride the Grocery cart, the blonde woman steps into the aisle walking towards my mom, I quickly jump off the cart and try to stop before I ran into them, but gladly I bumped into the ladies cart, "oh shit I am so sorry I didn't know you were gonna come out of nowhere" I say walking up to them

" you're fine, Aurora, the next time be more cautious" she says looking deeply into my eyes, my mom grabs the cart and told me to stay beside the cart the whole time, she told me this wasn't Walmart and I had to behave myself because the people that shop at target are very judgey.

At some point during the shopping, the twins got caught playing with the toilet paper, and Miranda told them to stay by the cart as well, can today get any boring?

" well Susanna that was fun, I never thought that I could have fun shopping" she chuckled, "we should do this every time we go shopping" my mom smiled

Look at my mom slowly questioning her opinion, because we never go shopping at target unless it's necessary, but for this lady, she must lost her mind.

"So Susanna what are you doing after this?" The blonde lady ask.
" well, nothing I was going to cook and me and Aurora was going to watch movies all day" my mom replied

"Hey, have an idea let's do a potluck, it will be at your house and me and Steven and the kids will come over with food and we'll watch movies with you guys" she suggested

" that will be great, you know it's been been a minute since we've ever had company. It's nice to have neighbors do things with" my mom replied

oh, my gosh, this day couldn't have gone any worse, after we finish shopping
We went to the checkout and left target, " I'll see you at home" the blonde lady said as she looked at me

"Sure thing" my mom said waving

We get in the car after unloading our bags and drove back home and guess what I never got my plushie.


Sad she didn't get her plushie huh?
Until next time!

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