Chapter 7: Sweet Sixteen

Comincia dall'inizio

"What if we celebrated just in a small group. My father was saying you should come over some time to look at some of the pictures he has of your mother."

"Did they date?" Mitch asked.

"Enough!" Pippa shoved a finger in his face. "They grew up together. Like us. Besides, my father was madly in love with my mother ever since she was his nurse thirty some years ago."

"His nurse?" Mitch asked.

"Oh yeah. My mom was like, really poor. She got a job as a nurse's aid when she was like, seventeen to help her family, and then my father came in with some sort of riding injury. And they fell in love!"

"His parents approved of him marrying a nurse's aid?"

"Mitch!" Rosella warned again.

Pippa was unfazed. "Of course. My mother is a very likable woman."

"Your family is fascinating. You should have a television show or something."

"Thank you, Mitch. I do believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"

"I'm getting better! We have to have good bedside manner in medical school."

"Must be your hardest class."

Rosella laughed at her friends' bickering. It was a regular occurrence.

"I have an early gift for you," Pippa said. "I wanted you to have it for the concert tonight!" She pulled out a small gift bag.

"Aww, Pippa... you didn't have to do that," Rosella smiled. She opened the bag to pull out a small velvet jewelry box. She opened it to reveal a pair of earrings, pearl and diamond, that dropped into a pear shape. Rosella gasped.

"Oh wow, Pippa, these are beautiful," she said. "Thank you."

Pippa smiled, "they're a family piece, they used to belong to my great great aunt, Diana. She was a singer too, so my mother and I thought you should have them."

"Oh no, I can't accept a family piece!" Rosella exclaimed.

"No, I want you to! I have plenty of Hartford owned jewelry... even my grandmother agreed these were perfect for you. We all want you to have them. Please take them!"

"Yeah, take them, Ro. If you hate them you can pawn them off," Mitch chimed in, earning a whack from Pippa.

"Well... if it'll make you happy," she smiled, hugging her friend.

"It will! Promise you'll wear them for tonight! It's like I'll still be there!"

"Oh, you don't have to come to every single one. Don't feel bad, it's your sister's birthday!"

"Yes, well, make sure you come by after! I don't care how late, we all want to see you, and when midnight comes it'll be your birthday!"

"I will... Thank you again. I love them so much!"

"You're welcome! Good luck tonight! See you later! C'mon Mitchum, you can drive me," Pippa laughed, and the two stood to leave Rosella to prepare for another concert.

"At your service, m'lady," Mitch imitated a salute, and the two left.

Rosella admired the earrings some more. She was honored that the Hartford's would give her such a gift. It meant far more to her than any piece money could buy. It meant they saw her as a worthy and respectable friend of the family. She felt lucky to have them in her life.


Applause rang through the halls of the opera house, and Coriolanus ran through the hall outside. He snuck through the audience just in time for his sister to take the stage, and took his usual seat next to his cousin. He rarely enjoyed music, but his sister's performances at the opera house were an exception. Yes, she was talented, and it was a pleasure to hear her sing, but it also presented many networking opportunities among the Capitol's elite.

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