Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm

Start from the beginning

After he left Winter Wolf, he found many of his friends were nowhere in sight. He looked in the library, the greenhouse, and the Main Gallery. They were nowhere to be found. It was strange given the fact that they were usually in at least one of those places. Especially given that Krinos practically lived in the greenhouse.

As he continued to search, he saw a small group of students racing down a corridor. They all looked excited about something. Curious, Harry followed them. As he followed them, he could hear music starting to build. 

Following the group, they led him into an area of the school he had never been to before. And to a room he had not seen before. It was a stage. Not just a stage, but an entire concert hall inside the school. It looked big and grand enough to host Broadway plays. It was made of golden brown wood with carpet on the stairs as well as the rest of the floor. Not only were there rows of normal padded seats on the floor, but there was also a second floor of even more seats along with some balconies with a few more seats.

The stage itself was made of the same wood but with two columns on either side of it. The curtains were a very expensive-looking red silk that went along with the golden ropes used to control them. Above the stage were magically powered lights that were used to light up the stage.

Then, much to the shock of Harry, Krinos was on the stage with a bunch of their friends nearby. They were sitting either on the stage, on the edge of the stage, or in the front row of the seats. There were also a lot of other students that were sitting in the other seats. Melody, of course, was the one creating the music. After having been through some of his musical moments, Harry knew exactly what Krinos was going to do.

Sure enough, the nature mage started singing. 

"Sunshine, sunshine, raining sunshine."

"When you think all hope is gone
There's a place somewhere beyond
Take a chance and realize
It's right before your very eyes

Harry was not at all shocked by the choice of song. Krinos was anything but a "glass half empty" kind of guy. And it was quite easy to see why. He was always surrounded by so much life because of his powers, not to mention always being able to sense those closest to him through nature. So, he always knew how his loved ones were doing. 

Plus, what only made it all make more sense was that Krinos was a being of nature. So, a song all about sunshine fit him really well. Both for his personality and his powers.

"Leave the dark clouds far behind
And step outside, the weather's fine

"It's raining sunshine
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine

As he sang, his powers and the stage were affected by his emotions. The lights all turned brighter as they lit up the stage. And not just with regular light. It was an entire rainbow of colors. Which helped to further illuminate all of the plants that were growing around the stage because of Krinos.

Vines slithered up the columns as if they were incredibly long snakes. After they stopped, a rainbow of flowers bloomed on each one. More vines spread around the concert hall while other plants also grew on the ground. It was as if Krinos's song was summoning a garden. And all the students looked to be enjoying themselves.

"As real as it can be
Believe in what you see
It's not just in your mind
It's raining sunshine

Harry smiled as he walked down the steps toward the stage. Krinos was certainly having the time of his life. He found it both ironic and fun that despite their magic, Krinos was the one who loved to sing while Melody provided the music. The two of them balanced each other out perfectly. He knew they were twins, but they were completely different Fred and George. While they had their differences, Fred and George liked to pretend they were the same person. Krinos and Melody, on the other hand, fully embraced being different.

"Sunshine, sunshine, raining sunshine
Sunshine, sunshine, raining sunshine.

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