A God named Fred

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Lilia sprinted out of the mall towards the Air and Space Museum, she couldn't go through or she'd be killed immediately. She reached the doors. The group turned to look at her wide eyed.

Percy was stood in front of them his breathing heavy.

"Lilia I-" he said horror crossed his face as he realised what he'd done.

"You left me in there!" She cried out scared and angry.


Everyone froze, a loud growling sounded through the museum. Then a few adults screamed.

Something enormous bounded up the ramp, it was the size of a pick up truck, with silver claws and golden fur.

"The Nemean Lion." Thalia said. "Don't move."

"Separate on my mark." Zoë said, " try to keep it distracted.

"Until when?" Grover asked.

"Until I think of a way to kill it. Go!"

Lilia pulled off her bracelet, growing instantly into a bow. The arrows came magically, never running out.

She ran to the right and climbed up a balcony opposite Zoë and Bianca. The three of them shot arrows at it, but they just bounced off harmlessly.

"They're not doing anything!" Lilia cried out worriedly to Zoë.

Grover was playing a high pitched cadence on his reed pipes frantically as it neared him. Thalia stepped in its path, holding up Aegis, the lion recoiled. "ROARRR!"

"Back!" Thalia shouted at it.

The lion growled and clawed the air, but it retreated as if the shield were a blazing fire.

For a second it seemed like Thalia had it under control, but then the lion crouched.

"It's about to pounce!" Lilia hissed.

"Hey!" Percy shouted. He ran at the lion and stabbed his sword into its chest, but again it bounced off, and the lion pounced at Percy.

Percy jumped landing on the wing of an aircraft and the lion followed.

Everyone ran toward the balcony.

"The mouth! Aim for its mouth!"

The monster lunged at Percy again and he fell to the ground floor, sliding down a huge model of the Earth.

"Bianca, Zoë and Lilia readied their bows at the monster but the arrows missed.

"There's no clear shot Percy." Bianca cried out.

"Get it to open its mouth more!" Zoë yelled.

Percy looked around, "Thalia, keep it distracted." He said before running off to the gift shop.

She nodded grimly.

"Hi-yah!" She pointed her spear and a spidery arc of blue electricity shot out, zapping the lions tail.

"This really isn't the time to be buying things kelp head!" Lilia shouted.

"Trust me on this Houdini!" He yelled back. "Grover clear the area!" He said, the lions weight was too much for the aircraft, it was going to fall any minute.

Grover gathered the screaming mortals away from the lion just as it fell.

Percy ran back out with glittery silver packets.

They were still shooting arrows at the lion but had no luck. Thalia jabbed the monster and backed up.

"Percy," Thalia said "Whatever your going to do-"

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