Chapter 19: Argumentative

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Look, I'm not dead. Sorry about being late, that's my bad guys.

Enjoy this though, because the plot is really starting to come together in my head.

Be scared...


The two walked out to the dance floor, filing into the last spots of the lines. Women comprised one line, while men mirrored them in another line across the room.

Damon subtly glanced down the lines to see where everyone was. Everyone, meaning Klaus, Stefan, and Elena. The rest were on their own for all he cared.

Stefan and Elena were in the dead center of the lines, both focused on staring at each other so they wouldn't accidentally lock eyes with Klaus. The bastard himself stood at the very end of the male line, directly across from his wife.

'I can't believe we're doing this,' Damon mouthed to Bonnie, who rolled her eyes as the music began to play.

'Deal with it,' Bonnie mouthed back, moving with the rest of the line.

The music started playing and the lines started moving. Damon watched Bonnie, who's face slowly morphed into a horrified expression as she watched other people in the line.

She looked back to Damon, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted, looking like a deer in the headlights.

"I don't know how to dance!" She hissed under her breath, knowing Damon would be able to hear perfectly.

'Don't worry,' Damon mouthed back, stepping in tune with the rest of the line. 'Just follow my lead.'

"You better help me here."

"Wasn't it you who wanted to dance?" Damon whispered as they stepped closer, hands out but not touching as they glided in a circle on the edge of the floor.

"Well yeah, but I thought it would be more like we would just glide around like in the movies. Like Cinderella."

"Bonnie, we went to an ancient hybrid's ball. His wife is dressed to the nines in a dress I'm convinced has been preserved with a spell. The wait staff is in black tie attire, and you thought we were going to wiggle our hips back and forth like in the movies."

"Now you're just trying to make me feel bad for making you dance," Bonnie grumbled as Damon pulled her in to start the real dance.

"No bad feelings here, Bon Bon," Damon joked as he twirled her around.

Bonnie wasn't prepared for the twirl and lost her balance. Damon caught her gracefully, trying to mask her stumble, but he couldn't mask the wince on his face as Bonnie's sharp heel jabbed his toe.

"Try not to step on my feet."

"You either get good dancing or me stepping on your feet. Pick one."

"Just pay attention to your feet. I'll watch out for everything else."

Bonnie knew what Damon was insinuating. She followed his gaze, which was focused on the dancing couple in the center of the ballroom.

Klaus and Emilina were tangled in perfect harmony, the grace of their movements setting them apart from everyone else. Every time Klaus spun his wife, the skirt of her ball gowns would flare out and catch the light, making the crystals glimmer like a thousand stars.

Bonnie knew how terrible Klaus was, but she truly couldn't deny how enchanting the two were. They paid no attention to the people around them, instead their gazes locked and a thousand promises seemed to pass between them.

"Hey Bon Bon?" Damon whispered in her ear.

"Call me that again and I'll hex you into next week," Bonnie hissed back.

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