Chapter 18: Espionage

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Better late than never. Oh well.

Also, y'all need to calm down with all the cheating allegations. An entire plot point of this story is how crazy obsessed Klaus is with his wife. He's not going to cheat lol.

I see all the comments saying "I'll leave if he cheats" and "I'll cry if he cheats" and I laugh.


Flashback: 1835

"My, my, my," Emilina drawled, lifting her hands and slowly clapping as she watched Rebekah admire her dress. "You look stunning, mon amour."

"You need to stop speaking French to me, Emilina," Rebekah said, absentmindedly waving her hand in Emilina's direction. "Niklaus is getting jealous. I see him staring at me like a viperous shark whenever you speak the language."

"Oh he will get over it," Emilina laughed, the layers of her dress swishing loudly across the floor. "He doesn't like me speaking French to anyone else because I speak it to him when we-"

"Emilina!" Rebekah gasped, throwing her hand over the younger one's smiling mouth. "You mustn't speak of such things so openly!"

"As if you have never heard us," Emilina countered, smirking at Rebekah's feigned shock, "and since when has the great Rebekah Mikaelson shied away from taboo? After all, you are no stranger to scandalous trysts with married and unmarried men."

"You cannot prove a thing," Rebekah said with a grin, grabbing her brise fan and flipping it open. 

"Neither could their wives," Emilina said with a cheshire grin, "and I know they tried. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to try and besmirch the honor of the great Rebekah Mikaelson."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Emilina."

"Don't I know it. The mayor has been more than happy to comply with Nikalus's wishes if he speaks them through my lips."

"I'm sure Niklaus loves that," Rebekah commented sarcastically.

"Oh he hates it. He says the mayor looks at me with desire and he has half a mind to poke the man's eyes out. Of course, I told him that would upset me greatly, so he said he would refrain."

"You truly think Niklaus will be able to refrain himself just because you asked?"

"I asked nicely, Rebekah. And he has done it before with many a men."

'Many a men?' Rebekah wondered to herself, not letting her expression betray her disbelief.

"Like that nice gentleman back in France. The one who taught me french. I cannot remember his name."

'It matters not if you remember his name. You would never find it on the unmarked, shallow grave he now resides in,' Rebekah thought to herself.

Rebekah did not burst Emilina's happy bubble, but she had no faith in the mayor's ability to survive the night. Especially when Emilina looked as radiant as she did.

"You look stunning, Em," Rebekah said, seamlessly switching the subject into easier territory. "My brother will not be able to keep his greedy eyes off of you."

"Thank you," Emilina gushed, picking up the top of her skirts as she twisted left and right, giving Rebekah glimpses of the intricate beading of her dress. The diamonds etched into the bodice illuminated the soft baby blues of the fabric and complimented the hue of her skin.

"It is a bit heavy though. And my maid was not kind when tightening my corset. She tightened it more than usual, and I confess that I am a bit out of breath now."

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