Chapter 3: Warnings

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"Alright so, let me get this straight," Damon said as he paced across the center of the boarding house living room, running a hand through his unkempt hair.

Stefan and Elena sat on the couch on the left side of the room, side by side. Stefan held Elena's hand, rubbing the back of it comfortingly. The doppelgänger gave him a weak smile before looking over to the two originals lounging on the couch on the opposite side of the room.

Elijah sat closest to the far edge of the couch, one leg crossed over the other. He looked dangerously elegant as he stared at the couple with a poker face. Finn sat farther down the couch, leaned forward with his elbows on his knees, a nearly empty glass of bourbon in his left hand.

"Klaus wants Elena, which we know because that's why Rose kidnapped her. Everyone thought that it was to break the sun and moon curse, but it turns out that's completely fake," Damon continued, drawing out the word "but" tauntingly.

"You are correct," Elijah said evenly as Damon continued to recount all the new information bit by bit.

"And the real curse is placed on Klaus, who happens to be both a vampire and a werewolf, which binds his werewolf side. All he has to do to activate this curse is kill one of each and then drain Elena dry. Great."

"You are very perceptive Damon," Finn muttered sarcastically, taking a long swig of the rest of the bourbon in his glass. "A for effort."

"So how would you two suggest we stop him?" Damon asked, turning to face the two originals.

"You don't," Finn said matter of factly as Elijah added, "there is no stopping Klaus. All you can do is find a way to ensure your precious doppelgänger survives because he will show no mercy to anyone who stands in his way. You all learned that the hard way with the death of your friend."

"But she doesn't want to be a vampire," Stefan said as Elena looked worriedly between him and the originals, the blood draining from her face as she clutched Stefan's hand tighter.

"She may not have a choice," Finn murmured as angry metaphorical steam began to blow from Damon's ears.

"So why the hell are you two here if you have nothing to offer us besides telling us that she's doomed, huh? Why can't you help us kill Klaus when he transitions if Bonnie can channel enough power? You know, Plan B so she doesn't die again."

"Elijah and I won't attempt to kill Klaus without guaranteeing his death. If he survives, he will hunt us down for eternity and make the rest of our days agonizingly torturous. We did Trevor a favor because that was his fate if he and Rose were found," Finn explained before adding, "your plan contains too many 'ifs' for us to back it."

"Besides, Niklaus thinks we are partying in Florida right now, sipping piña coladas on Miami Beach," Elijah added, earning a low grumble from Finn about how he's going to need a vacation after this.

"But we have a new plan!" Damon argued, listing the steps off his fingers. "One, we ensure a way to keep Elena alive. Two, we let him do his ritual. Three, Bonnie comes out of hiding and uses her superpowered witchy juju to weaken Klaus enough for step four, which is where one of you two jams a stake in his heart or cuts his head off for the killing blow. I don't care either way, but come on. It's simple and easy."

"But unfortunately, it's not guaranteed. Forgive me, but my brother and I don't have very much faith in two young and impulsive vampires to pull this off." Elijah paused and stood up from the couch.

"While Miss Bennett is formidable, she too is very young and inexperienced. Klaus has spent a thousand years cheating death at every turn. It is entirely likely he will foil this attempt with a thousand years of skill."

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