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Lincoln is seen waking up as he looks around. "Huh? What happened? Oh, right! Now I remember! The science exhibit!"

Flashback to Lincoln with his fellow schoolmates gathered together as scientists demonstrate a new teleporter. The scientist speaks: "With this, we will be able transport goods without fail. We're not sure about humans, but we're working on it!"

As the machine turns on, the lights start to blink. Something is wrong! "Everyone, evacuate immediately!"

As everyone runs towards the exit, Lincoln gets tripped by Chandler! "Every man for himself, Larry!"

Lincoln hangs on tight! Clyde tries to save him, but the boy loses his grip and falls into the portal. "LINCOLN!"

Back to the present, Lincoln gets scared as he realizes that he's alone and far away from home. 

He suddenly hears a strange sound followed by grass rustling. Out from the grass comes a very strange but cute creature he's never seen before. It stares at him before saying one word: "MINCCINO."

"Minccino, what on earth are you-?" Lincoln looks up and sees a young woman appearing

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"Minccino, what on earth are you-?" Lincoln looks up and sees a young woman appearing. She stops and stares at him. "Oh, hello there! What are you doing here?"

 "Oh, hello there! What are you doing here?"

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Lincoln gets nervous. "Wh-who are you? Where am I? What is that?"

The woman looked confused before answering. "My name is Professor Juniper. You're in Unova. And the creature you see is a Pokemon."

Lincoln is very confused. "Poke-what?"

From the author who brought you "Cyborgs and Spies," "Midoriya and the Girl From Space," and "The Hero and the Genie"

Lincoln is seen walking with Professor Juniper and Minccino as he sees other Pokemon. "So, Pokemon are mysterious creatures that come in all kinds of shapes and sizes? And they can do all kinds of amazing things?"

Juniper smiles. "That's right, my friend. And Unova is home to a lot of amazing Pokemon!"

A small puppy-like Pokemon runs up to Lincoln and places it front paws on his leg while looking at him curiously. Lincoln smiles and pets it, making it bark and bounce happily in response. "LILLIPUP!"

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