He didn't have to do too much talking or speaking. A sentence could make a nigga move

Hitting Mike back he walked back over to the red McLaren. Putting the double cup in the cup holder Tank closed the butterfly doors

Speeding up Atlantic he made sure to make his way past the many red lights. It wasn't a nigga insight who didn't want him in Atlanta

And that's exactly how he liked it. The more he felt unwanted the more he brought himself back to their city. He made a statement known every time he came out here

If he could come in a city where he was hated and make it back home safely. They wasn't about it. Nor were they about their money. Being that he always came down here and made a bankroll  

Mocha laid across the black plush cover as Mike took a seat next to her. Mocha had been avoiding him at all cost due to what Cocoa had told her how Wiic had been acting

Mike didn't know what it was. He was blind to everything, but he had a rude of wakening today

"Where you was at today?" Mike asked

"Design District." She kept it simple

"You got something? And why acting bland?" He turned his face up

"I always do. And ask ya' boy." Mocha rolled her eyes

"Who?" Mike asked

"Wiic. Why he treating my sister like that?" Mocha nudged him

"What him being like that gotta do wit us?" Mike was confused

"Cause I don't like the way he's treating her." She pointed in his face

"That don't got nothing to do wit us Mocha. They them we us. Don't bring somebody else problems into our bedroom." He fussed

"That's my sister it does have something to do with me. Especially since we hooked the two up." Mocha fussed back

"Mocha leave that alone. We barely getting by in our bedroom." Mike stared at her

"Whatever. And don't yell at me." She yelled out

Mike waved her off as he walked out the bedroom. It was always something with Mocha. He could write a book on how crazy and toxic she was

Wiic moved swiftly around the large home. The lights were all turned off except for the one coming from the master bedroom. The brown Goyard bag was being carried in his hands as he made his way to the back

Pushing the door opened slightly Wiic looked up at Cocoa who was already in his view. Putting the luggage bag next to the King size bed he took a seat

Cocoa didn't bother to say anything to Wiic as he undressed himself. She was still mad about how he was treating her this past week

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