Start from the beginning

"I'm freaking out, something freaky happened to me today"


I abruptly woke up at 3am after a horried dream. I went down to get some water before walking back up the stairs.

I walked back into my room and shut the door. This whole Faye and electricity thing has been stressing me out.

Before I got into bed. I looked at my features. Ever since Faye's incident, my cheekbones have been fuller; my head and back have been super itchy and my back as some kind of dark rash growing on them, I think.

Carlislie is also stressed out, he can't figure out any possible reason for my change of appearance.

My eyes also began to gleam and Izzy didn't look like Izzy.

I was about to get back into bed but got a vision.

It was of me as a child. I had horns, dark wings, fangs and pointy ears.

There were some other kids around and we were flying around in some cove like place.

I looked at peace. I then flew into the arms of- mom?

She too had the same features that I did. We flew above the cloud bed together and smiled before flying back down.

I gasped as the vision ended and so did my itching. I went to touch my back and felt two feathery wings.

My hands then moved to my head and I shuddered as I felt horns.
Was I a demon?

My cheekbones were more prominent than ever and I had actual fangs. I touched my ears and felt their points.

I turned to look at myself in the mirror and was horrified at the sight.

What am I?

Out of anxiety, I fainted.


"Then when I woke up, I was back to normal me. I looked just like how you do in my visions and dreams. What are we momma, please just send me a sign" I beg.

I sigh before continuing to tell her everything like about the crazy woman named Diane; the ice cold eyes; and about Faye.


I had been speaking with my mother for hours until it reached 8pm and it was completely dark outside. Gia gave a flashlight.

"I love you mom, goodbye" I stand up and look down at her grave.

I hear footsteps behind me and assume it was Gia.

That was before I was knocked out cold.


Rosalie ran out from the forest as she saw Iris lay on the ground, out cold.

The rest followed after her and watched as none other than her cousin, Giana, picked up her body and wings erupted from her back and horns from her head.

Iris D̶w̶y̶e̶r̶ BENNETT | Cullens X OCWhere stories live. Discover now