Standards: What They Are and Why You Need Them

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In Chapter 9, titled "Standards: What They Are and Why You Need Them," Steve Harvey focuses on the importance of establishing and maintaining standards in relationships. He emphasizes that having personal standards is essential for fostering healthy and respectful relationships.

Harvey encourages women to define their standards and boundaries, emphasizing that having clear expectations is crucial in determining the treatment they deserve in relationships. He explains that setting standards is not about being overly demanding but rather about valuing oneself and maintaining self-respect.

The chapter discusses the significance of self-worth and how establishing standards can prevent women from settling for less than they deserve. Harvey stresses the importance of sticking to these standards and not compromising them to accommodate someone else's wishes or behaviors.

Throughout the chapter, Harvey aims to empower women by urging them to recognize their value and establish standards that align with their personal beliefs and desires. He encourages women to communicate their standards effectively and assertively within their relationships.

In essence, Chapter 9 serves as a guide for women to understand the importance of setting and maintaining standards in relationships. Harvey's intention is to empower women to define their boundaries, recognize their self-worth, and establish healthy expectations to foster respectful and fulfilling relationships.

Act like a lady, think like a man by Steve Harvey (Summary)Where stories live. Discover now