Izuku was standing on the street, in his hero costume with Bakugo. "Come on nerd, patrol isn't over yet, so stop staring into space!" Without any hesitation, he excitedly excepted. This was a dream after all, so he completely forgot about literally everything else. This wasn't him after all. He was just watching a different himself from his own perspective, living their life as a spectator.

"I see." Yukari sighed as something appeared behind her. "While I hate to be rude and leave so abruptly, I have something (I don't want to do) that I have to do." She then took a step back before momentarily stopping. Then, as if she didn't stop, she looked like she took a step through a red opening with too many eyes. However, what she actually did just forced herself to wake up.

Once she left, Doremy glanced back into the dream for just a moment. Izuku was fighting alongside Bakugo in an attempt to defeat some other people who were much stronger. She couldn't know if a dream was a nightmare, unless it was as obvious as it was. This kid however, he lived in his nightmares without any escape. That is why she gave him this dream, but just for tonight.

Doremy then left to do something else. However, Yukari then appeared. It turns out, that lied to you dear readers. Yup, that's right! Plot twist! I'm the bad guy! Mwahahahaha!

Ok, in all seriousness. Let's return.

Izuku saw a lady approaching him. She wore a purple dress unlike any modern-wear he had ever seen. Her hair was long and blond, a white mob cap with ribbons that lay on top of it. She held a paper fan in-front of her face, only leaving her eyes and pale complexion visible.

"Greetings. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" She asked Izuku. Apparently, his brain started to function normally and he looked around at his surroundings. Everything was stopped in its place, including Bakugo. Izuku stared at Bakugo confused.

"They aren't a part of this conversation." Yukari replied casually. Izuku turned around wary and asked, "Are you a villian?" "Of course not child. Just someone with a curious question." Yukari stated, as if this was just plain fact that shouldn't have much difficulty being understood. However, to Izuku, this was completely new. "Are you sure your asking the ri-"

"Hush. I know you're the right person. Besides, it's just of preference." Yukari said. Izuku decided, it couldn't hurt. However, he decided to ask first, "Ok, but who are you?" Apparently, his didn't register he was in a dream. Yukari just said, "Oh me? No one special."

Then, she continued by asking her real question. "If you could choose to live in a world where no one has a quirk but you have to leave your current life behind, would you?" Izuku thought about this. No one would bully him. However, he probably wouldn't be able to see Kachaan or his mother again.

"I think would stay. It might not be the most fun life, but I have goals and dreams to attain, and people I still want to take care of here." Izuku responded. He then went to turn away before Yukari laughed and said, "Ok then. What if you had the ability to come back, but only once?"

"Like a vacation?" Izuku asked. Yukari slyly smiled behind her fan and replied with, "If that is how you choose to think of it, then yes, 'like a vacation'." Then Izuku off-handedly said, "Then I'm sure it would be fine."

Yukari snapped her paper fan together, making a loud noise, but not damaging the fan somehow. "Well then..." Yukari said a bit deviously. Izuku strangely did not like the sound of that. Suddenly, he remembered he was in a dream and untensed, but it made him ask himself. Why would he ask himself this?

"Concider yourself lucky." She said, pointing her fan at him with smug... wait, why smug? "I don't normally give out the option for this opportunity. However, I see something special with you." Izuku was once again confused. However, it was now directed at himself and Yukari. "Huh?"

"Don't be like that! This is you welcome to Gensokyo. A place for only the most special people that no one has ever heard of!" She continued, ignoring Izuku. Izuku dug through his mind, trying to think of a place called Gensokyo. He could not think of any.

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to finish my nap. I've done more than enough work for today." Yukari said, before simply disappearing. If time was paused, it wasn't anymore. Bakugo shouted at Izuku, "Hey, are you going to come here and help me, or are you going to make me do everything!?" "I'm coming Kachaan!" Dream Izuku said, as if nothing happened.

"Damn nerd." Bakugo said under his breath as he stood menacingly over the last of the goons who dared attempt rob a bank with him around. Then, together, they beat the crap out of the thugs. Bakugo was very rough about it, while Izuku gently one punch K.O.'ed them. They then grinned and fist bumped each other, before handing the criminals and their stolen loot to the police and continuing on their protrol.


Ok guys, we're finally going to Gensokyo! I haven't seen any fanfictions with Doremy Sweet yet, but Yukari is definitely a very prominent character when it comes to Isekaing random people into Touhou. I know she isn't required, but I feel it is better to just have Yukari do it then just randomly making them go "Poof!", or killing him, or even making him reject humanity. This is so we can still play out the actual story to MHA as well.

Also, sorry for posting this chapter late. I remade it 6 times before settling on this version. 2 of these versions actually would have caused these events to just be postponed for 2-4 more chapters. Something I'm sure none of you want to keep dealing with any longer. This was the most direct solution, and possibly has potential for future story plot lines to extend it!

Ok. Now that this is done, I hope you guys haven't enjoyed the Introductory Arc to this story. Have a great day, and I'll see you in my next chapter!

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