Returning Resolutions

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Hi again! Just a quick notice for the title. No, he is not literally drowning. I will not have him attempt that. Also, if your wondering why it is taking so long to get into that Touhou action... I'm sorry to inform you that that will take a while.

If you want to skip there, you can, but I wouldn't suggest it. You might miss one of the changes I'll be making to the story from canon. However, what you can skip is the [In Izuku's Mind] Sections in any chapter.


In Izuku's Mind:

Everything was dark. Above him, was a small cliff ledge. Below him, were hundreds of think chains reaching into an abyss. Wrapped around Izuku's torso was a broken bungee cord. The only think holding him up anymore was a very small, dethreaded string and a dangling other half of the bungy cord. Both, he was gripping at with his hands.

Normally, he wouldn't hold on to anything. Normally, none of this effected him. Normally, he had a wall, blocking the negativity. However, All Might's words had obliterated that wall and snapped his dream (aka bungee cord) in two. Those words had punched a hole in his wall, and let in all the negativity he had been blocking out for years.

A memory of his mother's words to his dream echoed through the empty void he was still dangling over. Another thread snapped under his pressure. Only three remained.

Wind blew through now. Izuku struggled to hold on, as everything tried to follow in its path. He lost hold of the small string and was forced to clamber onto the bungee. There was a loud stretching noise and an internal snap, but nothing else happened.

Overhead, a cracked, framed picture of Izuku and Bakugo playing together toppled, frame-first, onto the grass. Rain clouds began to cover the sky. Thankfully, rain hadn't started coming yet. Only one person did the damage, but it had released the torrent that had been building for years.

Down below, with Izuku. Izuku started to try to climb out of this chasm he had been through into. Far away, he began to hear explosions and looked in that direction. He saw so many times when Bakugo had bullied him, explosions hitting his back. Each hit he saw land... they hurt, even now. The injuries had miraculously been able to heal, but the skin always hurt, even without them.

These memories... they, were the ones he had hide from for years. He never wanted to paint his only friend as a bully, but it was so clear that that was what was happening. Tears came to his eyes, but he still couldn't except that. Not yet.

Sorrowfully, he looked away and tried to climb a little higher. He pulled his body upwards and... the chains pulled him back down again. Just as the always had. How was he going to return if this continues? He has to come up with something, but what?

In reality:

Izuku was still on the roof, crying. He wanted to keep going, but that isn't how this kind of thing works. That was his last lifeline, his last hope. If he couldn't be a hero, then what could he even be? There wasn't anything left for him.

Distantly, he could hear explosions, but he was too deep into the hole others had been digging for him. This has been going on for years, and there had been many close calls, with it, it finally happened. He fell in...

However, that dream... it still wasn't dead yet. There was still a chance, a chance that everyone had been wrong about him. There was still a chance, and he wouldn't give up until he had exhausted every possibility.

With a heavy body, he pushed himself up. With his ears and brain finally working, he registered the distant explosions. Curious, he walked over to the building's edge and saw a huge plum of smoke rising above the buildings. All while the light of fire danced, flicked, and expanded continuously.

This isn't actually an uncommon occurrence. Actually, it was an almost daily occurrence. From the intensity of it all, Izuku judged that there was a villian fight happening over there. However, he really wasn't in the mood to see another hero or villain for a little while... just, he wanted to get the rest of his life together first. With everything he ever desired falling even further away from him than he could ever imagine, then it should be expected.

Izuku looked around. On the rooftop, he didn't have any of his previous belongings. He sighed, if anyone heard it, they wouldn't know what to think of it. All they would know, is that no one should be that sad, alone... done with everything, but unwilling to let it go.

Izuku walked over to the stairs. The door... opened, and Izuku walked down the stairwell. If he got in trouble then either way, he was going to be heading to the entrance soon. The walk was slow, but that wasn't helped by Izuku just walking slow. He was lost in his thoughts, but for once, he wasn't muttering in them. He only did that when he was excited about or focused on those thoughts. Maybe... maybe things would be better if he stayed like this.

Internally, he felt himself fall slightly further into his newfound depression. Externally, he just continued to walk in silence and sorrow. No one stopped him. Instead, everyone walked around him. Storm clouds were already rolling in, but Izuku's figurative raincloud was hailing in meters. It was almost palpable from the other side of the street.

Izuku wandered the streets. He rarely came into the city alone, and when he did, he brought his phone for directions. The only other times were when he was looking for villain fights and taking his alternate route home, and that was the cause of this entire situation... Now wasn't that just a depressing thought? He could have just stuck to what he did almost everyday, and his dreams wouldn't have been brutally murdered with him putting them on the chopping block. If he wasn't so desperate, he could have lived on in ignorance, in a less painful bliss.

Sadly, he couldn't go home without either arriving on accident or collecting his belongings. So, he walked in the general direction he remembered All Might jumping off in. It took over 15 fifteen minutes, but he finally found his backpack. Thankfully, no one had stolen his things yet.

His phone was dropped ontop of his opened notebook. The notebook was opened to the page of his All Might Analysis's first page. It was now folded, due to how the phone landed on it, but Izuku really couldn't bring himself to care about it right now. Not only had that notebook been destroyed to a point of uselessness (like himself), but it was barely even holding itself together. He was going to have to redo the whole thing anyways.

And the All Might autograph... he had it... he honestly couldn't feel the same joy for the man that he used to before, having the autograph just didn't feel important anymore. He picked up the notebook, but a page fell out when he did.

Interested, but still silent, he picked it up to see who had fallen out... Eraserhead...

Izuku remembered him. An underground hero who he had very little information on. It was interesting how he worked, but the underground wasn't where he wanted to go. Sure, it was more suited to his... conditions, but it still wasn't something that he was interested in.

He wanted to be a spotlight hero. Not because he wanted all the perks it came with. He wanted to be like how All Might used to feel to him. An inspiration to all, a-... a hero who would make everyone smile. Someone to appreciate everyone else, to help them, to be the stone to bring them to greatness!

Izuku smiled at the page and gently slide it under the cover, then he slipped the notebook into his book bag and put it on his shoulders. Picking up his phone, he saw he had over fifty missed calls from his mother and twelve unread messages. He went to read them, but then his phone died.

"Oh... It must been on the entire time?" Izuku said, stuffing the phone into his pocket, he started his walk home. Hopefully, his mother doesn't worry too much and he doesn't run into any trouble. It's a good thing I'm here, now isn't it? ;)

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