Last Hope

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Hello again! Would you like to exist? Well, if not, then too bad! The reason is, because you already do, and not even changing history to forget you will change that!
So a better question. Do you like it?

Well, I like my existence. Sure, I don't get to control my own life much, never have. However, getting to do stuff like this is fun :D

Also, the real Author's notes are at the bottom this time lmao.


Izuku stood outside a door. To the left was a long hallway, to the right was a mirror image of the other. Apartment complex's can be quiet bland, but it does its job just fine.

Preparing himself for the impending worry-storm about to be unleashed, he took a deep breath in. Then, he gripped the doornob. Then, he walked in, mostly like how a normal person would to there own home.

"Mom, I'm home!" Izuku said, loud enough that everyone in the apartment would be able to here. However, somethings were off. No one, was rushing at him, to embrace him in their safety. The lights were all turned off too. Maybe his mom hadn't been worried because she didn't know? Maybe she was just working an extra shift for someone else today?

With this in mind, Izuku let himself relax a bit more as he walked in the house. However, his heart was a bit saddened at this. Izuku interpreted it as him wanting to take more time away from her, even after all the hard work and attention she already gave him.

"I'm not worth what you put into me mom. So please, stop focusing on me and instead on yourself." Izuku said to himself. He didn't feel worthy to have people like her. He always felt he burdened her just by being around, but he couldn't even think about trying to leave her.

"Just like a-" He muttered to himself, as he finally entered his room. Thankfully he cut himself off, not wanting to think so negatively. Pessimism wasn't his motto, only the tomato he turned into when talking to girls (which also wasn't a motto).

He set his stuff down and pulled out his dead phone. He found a charger and plugged it in before going to the rest of his bag. He had no homework, but he still was going to unload his "Hero Analysis for the Future #13" notebook. Even if it was completely useless at this point, he just need to replace it. After all it wasn't the first time it had happened.

Izuku set the tarnished collection of papers on his desk. Then, he went to the Kitchen to prepare dinner. To the surprise of his surprise, his mother had already prepare it for him. He opened it and took a look inside in container. It was cold miso soup.

"She must have just barely had enough time to make this." He continued talking to himself. Looking inside, he saw it has cold miso soup. It was all already put into bowls, so Izuku warmed it up in the microwave.

The entire apartment was still cloaked in an ominous quiet. Izuku being alone wasn't normal and it made him feel a bit uncomfortable. However, he pushed on for no other reason then the fact he couldn't do anything about it. He wasn't going to let perfectly good food his mother wasted her free-time to make for him, even if it was uncomfortably quiet.

This quiet, it was the silence of loneliness, and Izuku sadly knew this. That is why even if he turned on the TV, the silence would still dominate. As it wasn't external, it was in the heart... However, this didn't prevent Izuku from trying it anyways. He got up and turned on the radio. It was preset to Present Mic's radio, "Put Your Hands Up Radio". Static, that was all that o came from the line.

"He must be on hero duty today." Izuku said sadly. Now he just wanted to plop into his bed and lie down. Maybe he would sleep, maybe he would cry, maybe he would reflect a little more. Instead, he had a bowl of Miso Soup to overtake. So, silence continued its rule, unchallenged but wavering.

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