Interlude / Who The Hell Is Jasper Hale?

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Calgary, Alberta
August, 1950

SABINE DIDN'T CARE MUCH FOR THE NEWS. She spent her time writing and exploring, she didn't particularly like going out or working. But she loved to people watch. Hang back at a diner and listen to the various conversations, get a glimpse into the lives of the humans around her. It entertained her, it gave her inspiration for a story. It was the only thing around her that was remotely fun.

Especially lately, the rail workers strike and it's effects on the economy making most of Canada pretty boring and sad. She didn't know why they didn't just move again, but they hadn't been there all that long, and they're newfound member was still settling in.

Sabine didn't know how she felt about the new girl just yet — a perky brunette called Alice who could see the future, and apparently saw herself joining their coven long before she actually did. It helped them out a bit, since she started practicing vegetarianism in preparation, but it also creeped them out that she had these visions. At least, it did for herself and Rosalie. Emmett seemed indifferent, and Edward could see her visions when he read her mind, so he wasn't at all wary.

Sabine had been nice to Alice, of course, but she didn't see her family all that much. When she wasn't writing her stories, or looking for inspiration, she was with Dale.

Ah, Dale. The love of her life. A tall, dark and handsome nomad she had met in Denali a few years back. The attraction was immediate, and reciprocated. They spent all their time with each other — and Dale often questioned why he couldn't just join their coven.

But it wasn't as easy as just joining. There had to be a reason — Edward was changed because Carlisle needed more than just himself to start a coven (and the fact that he was dying), and then Esme was changed because she was the love of Carlisle's life. Sabine was different; the circumstances of her changing, that is. But she joined the coven because Edward was her brother, and she wasn't going to leave his side. Carlisle changed Rosalie in hopes of her mating with Edward, but when that didn't work out, she found Emmett and he joined their family. Alice predicted herself joining their coven, and Carlisle couldn't exactly argue with her logic. But there wasn't any particular reason that Dale should become a Cullen.

Sure, he was dating Sabine. And she loved him, yes. But when she looked at Rose and Emmett, or Esme and Carlisle, she really saw their connection. She felt it. With Dale? Not so much. Plus, Edward sort of hated him.

With that in mind, Sabine rarely told her family when she was off to see Dale. They knew, of course, but she liked to avoid Rosalie's eye roll and mention of how she could do better. Hence why the only person who knew where she currently was was Alice, but Sabine didn't even know that she knew until she was bursting through the door.

She jumped, swivelling around in her chair to face the brunette who had appeared in the office she sat in. It was an old office at the newspaper building that they didn't use — they never noticed when she was there, since her steps were light as a feather — and she went there most days to write and clear her head without Edward giving his two cents. Nobody was supposed to know where it was, but she supposed the future-seeing thing defeated that.

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