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Arrogance diminishes wisdom

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Narrator: Republic outpost overrun! The Jedi have lost all contact with a clone security force stationed on the bleak snow-covered planet of Orto Plutonia. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Hilayna Thay'um, and (F/N) (L/N), accompanied by dignitaries from the nearby moon of Pantora, are sent to investigate the disappearance of the clone troopers on the desolate and forbidding landscape. As this is (F/N)'s homecoming.

[ - = - + - = - ]

A fleet of gunships landed in front of the base in a tall mountain. The four Jedi got out, wearing thick clothing to protect them from the cold.

Obi-Wan: And this is the planet's tropical zone.

Anakin: It's not Tatooine, that's for sure.

(F/N): But it does feel like home to me.

Rex and his clone squad exited the gunships, wearing different armor that protected them from the cold as well.

Anakin: {To Rex} Captain Rex, have your men survey the area. Place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark.

Rex: Right away sir. {To the Clones} Unload that gear! Let's move!

R2-D2 and C-3PO also exited the gunship.

Two more gunships landed next to the two Jedi. There the Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly, Chi Cho, and Senator Riyo Chuchi walk out of one of the gunships, followed by Pantoran guards and a couple of clones of the 404th legion.

Chi Cho: {To Obi-Wan} General Kenobi. 

Obi-Wan: {Turning toward the Pantorans} Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi, I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area.

Chi Cho walks up to Obi-Wan.

Chi Cho: {To Obi-Wan} I respect your judgment, General Kenobi. But I will go where I choose. This is sovereign Pantora territory.

Anakin: I thought this planet was uninhabited, and therefore, it's not aligned.

(F/N): {To Anakin} It is. But under the only civilized planet in the system, Pantora holds proprietary rights to it. Currently.

Hilayna: {To (F/N)} Since when were you an expert in politics?

(F/N): {To Hilayna} You forgot Pantora is my homeworld.

Chi Cho: General (L/N) is correct. Our moon of Pantora is the only civilization in this system. I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us.

Obi-Wan: With all due respect, Chairman, this is for the Senate to decide, not us.

Chi Cho: Ah, but the Jedi report to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora. {Gestures to Riyo}

Riyo: Technically speaking, Master Jedi, the Chairman is correct Since the planet is uninhabited, the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as its protectorate. As what General (L/N) said before. {Blushed and looks down after mentioning (F/N)'s name}

Obi-Wan: Point taken, Senator. {Turns to Anakin} Anakin, you and (F/N) stay here with the Senator and the droids while we secure the base.

[ - = - + - = - ]

Obi-Wan, Hilayna, and Chi Cho enter the base with a small squadron of clones to see clone trooper helmets hanging on spears plunged into the floor.

 Rex: I don't get it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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