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You haven't slept all night after what Kyalit showed you, because you feared to have a nightmare.

The head belonged to an executed criminal and the prince decided to reserve it.

He also hid the fact from his father, because the king won't accept such madness in his household.

You tried to keep your calm until he left, trying not to show fear.

The next morning, you and Kyalit were called to a meeting with the king and his advisors.

And you couldn't decline because it a part of your duty as a princess.

But right now while sitting beside your twin and across from one of the vizers, you regret coming.

The man across from you who looks the same age as you, has his foot pressing against yours under the table.

He has curly light brown hair and olive green eyes, his skin is tan.

As the meeting continues, you try to shift your feet away from the vice, but he continues to press against them.

You glance over at the man, who notices your discomfort.

The vice seems to get the message, and he eventually removes his foot, looking at you in confusion.

You breathe a sigh of relief and try to focus on the meeting again.

But you can't shake off the uncomfortable feeling of what just happened.

How dare he even stare at you like and press his feet on yours in a seductive manner, that is unless there was a relationship between him and Laylit.

Even though Laylit didn't write about having any lovers in her journals.

"What do you think about that matter, princess?"

You snap out of your thought and look at your father as he smiles gently at you.

Laylit's father is a handsome man, with the same brown hair and eyes as his, his expression is warm and kind.

"I apologize can you repeat that?" you say with shame.


The king's reply made everyone laugh which increased your embarrassment

"Princess, your father was inquiring about your opinion on new execution law where we execute the traitors by impaling them"

Your eyes widens in shock before you quickly refuse.

"Absolutely not, this is insane and cruel"

Kyalit narrows his eyes at you.

"So I presume you don't like your brother's suggestion"

You look at Kyalit who is giving you a death stare.

You quickly look away from Kyalit's intense glare, feeling like a trapped animal.

As you recover from the shock of the disturbing law, you try to formulate a reply that will satisfy both your brother and your conscience.

"I understand the need to maintain order and discipline in our kingdom. However, I feel that impaling may be too extreme a punishment, and may be seen as inhumane by some of our citizens. Perhaps there is a middle ground that we can agree on?"

You stop speaking, wondering if your words will be received well.

"And what is that middle ground, dear sister?"

"Instead of executing traitors, we exile them, and in exile we rehab them

Kyalit lets out a laugh.

"What else? Should we give them candy for good behaviour?"

The mockery directed at you made you angry, ready to give him a snide come back.

"Brilliant idea, princess"

The handsome vice from earlier supports you causing the rest to do the same.

"Exiling the traitors and rehabilitating them is a fair and just solution." the king states.

"However, it won't make others afraid to become traitors once they realize they have a second chance"

Your father finishes his statement, making you feel great disappointment.

Now, you wonder what Adam is doing in your body.

He better not have...


"She does really have a nice body"

Adam compliments, looking in the mirror with a smile on his face.

Ever since he took over your body, he changed things.

Like how he ended Rowan's exile and accepted to get engaged to Levaan.

He is what is the most best thing in your interest.

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